Dec 04, 2003 22:34
i told myself i wasnt going to smoke...
damn derek and his new pipe i had to try...
Nov 27, 2003 00:37
tonight kicked last night's ass...
Nov 26, 2003 01:32
i didnt want this night to end...
Nov 21, 2003 23:57
i have a random mess of completely jumbled thoughts going through my head...and i couldnt be happier...
Nov 21, 2003 18:30
so after a harsh night...than talking to courtney and making it better...i finally got to sleep at 4 only to be woken up by my mother at 7.30...than i headed to her work where i spent the time between 8.30 and 5.30 helping her set up displays and help with the customers...i am beat!
but soon jeff will be here with something to wake me up with...
Nov 20, 2003 23:31
cause i cant explain how i feel...
cause it never matters how i feel...
cause nobody can change how i feel except for myself...
cause i cant trust anyone to help me change the way i feel...
cause if we are truley "friends" you would know what is bothering me...
cause you are part of the problem...
Nov 18, 2003 01:34
i just want somebody to love me...
Nov 16, 2003 02:40
i cant sleep...so i got new pics for livejournal...they own...
Nov 10, 2003 15:12
mr.sparkle kicks ass!