[Tenimyu] What Happens on Valentine's Day (Yuuya/Yanagi)

Feb 15, 2007 16:07

Here is my Valentine's Day contribution. Despite the fact that it is late by...16 hours. But that's not the point. It's the thought that counts.

Title: What Happens on Valentine's Day (Should Not Be Told to Nosy Co-Workers)
Author: weirdlyyours  
Notes: For no_ori , on Valentine's Day. ♥♥♥ It's impromptu, unbeta-ed, and possibly OOC.

This is how Yuuya finds out it's Valentine's Day: Yanagi breezing through the front doors with plastic wings attached to his back and a basket around his arm. "It's time for love!" he announces to the office in English, and twirls around the room, scattering red rose petals.

Shirota is immediately swept up in Yanagi's festive cheer. "Happy Valentine's Day!" he replies loudly in very bad English--it ends up sounding like "Hairy Veils and Twine Sale"--and grabs a handful of flower petals from Yanagi's basket. He flings his handful of flowers with gusto, and the petals end up in a newly brewed cup of coffee cradled in Araki's hand.

A moment of silence descends on the office, broken by Shirota's exclamation of "Oh shit" when he finally registers the murderous look on Araki's face. Yuuya winces a little at the creative ways Araki plans to kill Shirota, and can only hope that Shirota's long legs help him escape in time.

"Enjoying the love?"

"And why are you so peppy this morning?" Yuuya asks instead, turning around just in time for flower petals to rain onto his head. "Did you have five shots of coffee again? You know that isn't good for you."

Yanagi grins. "It's Valentine's Day, Yuuya!" he exclaims melodramatically. "There are hearts in every window, pollen allergies in every office building, colds proliferating throughout the city--what could be better?" His enthusiastic gestures nearly tip him off his feet, and Yuuya barely catches him in time. Usually, Yanagi is bothered by his lack of coordination, but today he just smiles brightly up at Yuuya. "And no, I did not have five shots of coffee. I had seven, and that still wasn't nearly enough."

"You only like Valentine's Day for the candy," Nakamura says from the next desk over.

Yanagi hums happily as he straightens up out of Yuuya's arms. "All that dark chocolate, all that caffeine." He peers over at the heart-shaped boxes covering Nakamura's desk and snatches a small box from his desk.


"Sharing is caring, Yu-i-chi." Yanagi peels back the gift wrap cheerfully. "Don't be selfish."

Nakamura rolls his eyes. "You weren't this happy last Valentine's Day," he notes thoughtfully. "Or your birthday. Or on New Years, when you were drunk and telling us about how Endou-kun wet his pants during that--"

"The point is," Yuuya interrupts loudly, blushing, "why are you so happy today?"

Yanagi smirks at him and bites into a chocolate, chewing slowly.

Nakamura scrutinizes Yuuya for a moment, and Yuuya squirms under his stare. Is there something on my face? Yuuya wonders and searches for a mirror. "Did you get laid?"

"What?" Yuuya splutters.

Yanagi chortles. "No, I did not get laid."

"Then what is it?"

A small secretive smile spreads across Yanagi's face. "I have a date tonight."


The problem with being in love with Yanagi is that Yanagi is cute, smart, funny, and a plethora of other things that a girl would want in a potential boyfriend (unless that girl is the type that can't stand having a boyfriend prettier than she is). He also gets out a lot, knows a lot of people, and learns about someone's life story every morning over a cup of coffee. Therefore, Yuuya has no idea who to kill between now and the time Yanagi goes on his date.

All he can do is stare mournfully at Yanagi out of the corner of his eyes and hatefully wonder who put that smile on his face.

Yanagi checks his watch and stands up from his swivel chair; Yuuya pretends to play Solitaire on his computer. "Hey Yuuya, we can go home. You want to go to Starbucks?"

Yuuya glances at the digital clock on his desk. 5 PM, he registers. "Sure." This way I can keep you away from your date, he doesn't say. "You shouldn't drink too much coffee at night, though. This is why you don't sleep at sane hours."

"I'm sure you'll stop me from buying one too many espressos. I can always count on you to take care of me." Yanagi smiles sweetly at him.

A wave of heat rises on Yuuya's cheeks. "That's what friends are for," he replies and shuts up before he accidentally says something really stupid and sappy and obvious.

"But you're much more than just a friend, Yuuya."

Yuuya stares wide-eyed at Yanagi's back while he puts on his coat. When he turns around, Yuuya's still staring. "What's wrong?" Yanagi tilts his head to the side.

"No," he says, feeling detached from his body. "It's nothing. Let's go."

Yanagi breaks out into a grin. "Last one to the bus stop has to pay for coffee," he yells over his shoulder as he dashes toward the door.

Yuuya protests half-heartedly, shouts something about cheating, and runs after Yanagi's retreating back.


"--so then Arayan dumped his coffee over Shirotan's head when he finally cornered him in the broom closet." Yanagi stops gossiping for five seconds to take a sip of his coffee. "Thank God for Arayan. If he hadn't done it, I would've."

"I didn't know Shirota had done something horrible and unmentionable to you, like dropping flower petals into your morning coffee," Yuuya says, raising an eyebrow.

"He hasn't. But have you seen his hair?" He leans forward eagerly across the table, motioning wildly as if gesticulations that might take off someone's head could make Yuuya understand just how repulsive Shirota's hair had been. "It looked like a bird had decided Shirotan's hair was a good place to call home and then decided to reproduce on his head. It was awful. I should kill his hairdresser." He pauses thoughtfully for a moment. "In fact, as long as you'll be my alibi, I will go kill Shirotan's hairdresser."

"I'm not going to perjure myself just so you can make a step towards a more fashionable world."

"You're no fun at all." Yanagi pouts at him. "I had it all worked out. You could say we were having hot sex at your apartment, and the police would totally want to avoid that awkward line of questioning. So in the end, they would declare me innocent, and Shirota would no longer come within fifty feet of me with an afro. Win-win."

"Except for the part where I commit perjury," Yuuya manages to say wryly, despite the fact that his face feels like it's burning.

"Take a chance! Be a man! Come on, you won't get anything in life if you don't take some risks."

"I'm not sure letting you kill Shirota's hairdresser is worth going to jail for."

"Sissy." Yanagi wrinkles his nose at him, and then squints past Yuuya towards the clock hanging on the wall. "Wow, we've been here for almost two hours. You wanna catch dinner?"

Yuuya frowns contemplatively at Yanagi, who's already gathering his stuff and moving to throw away his three empty coffee cups.

"I just need to hit the men's room, but we can go to that great cafe down the street," Yanagi continues, rifling through his coat pockets for his wallet. "You like their yakisoba, and I like their strawberry shortcake. It's perfect." He hums quietly as he pulls out a few bills, but glances up when Yuuya doesn't say anything. "Yuuya, yes or no?"

"Don't you have a date?" Yuuya blurts out. The moment the words are out of his mouth, he regrets them. He wonders if he's stupid. Wasn't he trying to prevent Yanagi from going on a date? If Yanagi forgot all about it, who was Yuuya to remind him? In fact, why did Yuuya remind him?


"Your date." Shut up. Shutupshutupshutup. "The one you said you had today."

Yanagi looks at him oddly. "My date," he repeats slowly.

"It's not that I want you to go. I mean, I really, really, really don't want you to go. It's just that, you seemed so happy this morning about it that I didn't want you miss it. I mean," he babbles, "you really seemed to look forward to it. And-and unless you're dating a hooker, you should probably go now." His voice trails off, and he looks down at his hands with great interest.


His head flies up, and he meets Yanagi's eyes desperately. "You're not seeing a hooker, are you? 'Cause that's a very unhealthy relationship."

Yanagi stares at him blankly for a long time, then breaks into laughter. Yuuya's somewhere between offended and bemused, and watches as Yanagi's shoulders heave with mirth. "Oh my god, Yuuya. I--" Yanagi chokes out before clutching his stomach. "You--you're just--oh my god."

Laughing's probably a good sign, Yuuya thinks distantly. Laughing means that he doesn't think I'm a deranged lunatic. That's good.

"Yuuya, I am not dating a hooker," Yanagi says firmly, his laughter finally suppressed. "And you are too cute."

"What?" An incredulous look makes its way onto Yuuya's face.

"Admittedly, you're very, very oblivious to everything. I mean, seriously, a hooker. Wait till I tell Yuichi about this."

"No, no, not the hooker." Yuuya waves his hand impatiently, swatting the hooker out of the conversation. "The other part."

"Aah." Yanagi nods understandingly and smiles. "You're cute," he repeats. "Very, very cute. I guess your obliviousness just adds to that cuteness."

"I...don't understand."

"No, I suppose you wouldn't." Sighing dramatically, Yanagi leans forward. "I'm on a date right now," he says slowly, "with you." Yuuya blinks. "So would you like to go to the cafe down the street and make out with me in the bathroom?"

"This is a date?" Yuuya furrows his brow. "But we've been doing this since forever. How is this a date?"

"Well, I did ask you if you wanted to make out. I thought that was a good indication. But if you want to be impatient--" Yanagi props his arm on the table and shifts forward to brush his lips across Yuuya's "--I like you. Let's date." Seeing the faraway look on Yuuya's face, Yanagi prods him with his elbow. "Okay?"

"Okay," Yuuya replies dreamily. Yanagi smiles.


This is how all of Yuuya's private life becomes much too public: Yanagi breezing through the front doors with a huge grin on his face.

"Hello Yuichi." Yanagi smiles brightly. "It's a lovely day, isn't it?" It's not. There are dark clouds looming ominously in the sky and a wind that makes it feel like fifteen degrees below freezing.

Nakamura grins back at Yanagi and looks over at Yuuya deliberately. "Did you get laid?" Nakamura asks, voice loud and clear.

Yuuya gets a sense of foreboding, and stares apprehensively at Yanagi, who is smiling wickedly.


Concrit, please!

Also, abster226, I will write your Christmas fic...uh, soon. *whistles*


So this week has been great. Since ice is caking the sidewalks, I now have a 6.5 days weekend. Oh Universe, you are so great.

tenimyu, i love noori, fic, yuuya/yanagi

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