Collected a Sorien on Wednesday for transport from the bus station to the hotel proper. Went to Nancy's Pizza as the charge for delivery, which Sorien found delicious! (Not enough to order again over the rest of the con weekend though.)
Returned saturday morning before anything was open. The arrows to Registration went in one big circle so I stopped at a closed door covered in loitering people. They were entertaining, but I didn't see them again for the rest of the con.
Meandered through Artist Alley and the Vendor Area quite a few times. Found Cara Mitten, Ryannktsu, Likeshine, Panteddog, and Frysco all in one clump! We chatted for a time with all the energy available before noon on a con saturday. I also found the ladies who I helped set up at Codcon, the ones who launched my career as a professional craft show mover-of-heavy-objects!
We found Picklejuice in Artist Alley as well. He is remarkably entertaining to hang out with. Didn't manage to make it to his Transformation Panel (partly because it was moved times and places twice, but mainly because I was offered pizza right at the starting time) but he said there were 40 people in attendance. We're a popular sub-subculture!
Didn't manage to get in the tabletop gaming room for a Dragonstorm demo, alas. Also didn't see anyone with cards for the character who is a gryphon shapeshifter, just dragons and werewolves and unicorns. Did see Atma there, but that was in the middle of running a complex german board game about...colonial cats? I'm not sure.
The Fursuit Parade is said to have had over 400 people in it. It was certainly long! My favorite one was a crow, all in black, with two black ribbons down the front with red roses pinned to them. I assume it has something to do with plague, along with being extremely stylish. There was also a cardboard box (containing a Solid Snake).
The aforementioned pizza was Giordanos, which Sorien kindly invited me up to the hotel room for. Much of the conversation revolved around their non-chicago-local lives, so I couldn't contribute much to that. I did name the layer of sausage the Sausage Substrate, as it bound the pizza together and appeared to be one pizza-radius mass.
Arrrrrr...t! Got a badge from
Likeshine (which was promptly and randomly complimented in the elevator minutes after I got it) and one of the Flexible Survival edition Sparhawk from
Lizardbeth. Now with 1000% more links!
I wore, by composite, a gryphon t-shirt over the weekend. On saturday I had on the
Tyger Tyger ambigram shirt from Cerulean. Furries were much, much better at reading it than the populace at generic craft shows. Sunday I had a shirt full of birds of prey, mainly small ones. The sweatshirt had a pair of dolphins, one apparently wrapped in SCUBA gear just after transforming. Only the fearful symmetry got comments!
Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind is hard to explain and completely and totally worth visiting at the con. It reminded me of the Midnight Special, a blend of funny and serious and weird.
Last thing that happened: Iron Artist. To go with MFF's Route 66 theme, they were assigned to make road signs. Picklejuice was entertaining there as well, but I had to leave just before the SUDDEN DEATH ROUND because of taking down craft show. Actually I had to leave at least 15 minutes earlier...
Is good con.