Someone carried your name while you slept

Mar 20, 2008 23:06


Your previous stamp(s)/do you agree? (Because the vibe is also important.) Schuldig (personality) i guess it is the closest I will get, and i definately see the reasons given making sense, i do tend to take the piss a lot and i have quite a bad superiority complex, which fits as does my easygoing nature, its quite rare these days to make me really mad but its still scary when that happens.
Age: 18
Height: Somewhere around 4'3 (basically i am short)
Eye colour: Dark green
Hair color: Well at the moment its white blonde


High heels or sneakers? High heels or army boots (sneakers make me look even shorter)
Pants or skirts? I never wear skirts, definately trousers.
Dark colors or pastels?I normally wear quite dark colours but i don't have a problem with light colours but they tend to make me look even paler.
Make-up or natural?I wear make-up but not loads, i am a big fan of eyeliner.
Leather or cotton? I like leather jackets.
Shoulder bag or back pack? Shoulder bag
Long coat or jacket? Both
Comfortable or sexy? Depends what i am doing if you know what  i mean ♥
Pajamas or naked? Thats a bit personal! I normally sleep in my underwear
Trendy or old-fashioned? I am a big fan of tophats, monacles and cravats but then i am strange.
Second-hand shop or boutique? I dont like second hand shops, i prefer posh clothes shops.

Do you like to impress people with your look? It depends what you mean by impress, i probably tend to intimidate people rather than impress them.

Pictures: (Try to post at least three/four of them; it would be good if you could show us your style/full body shot as well)

 I swear i shouldn't put this picture up here, whenever i do i always get the evil character.

Links to the open applications on which you have voted on - four/less if not available.(Votes on both theme and normal applications are acceptable but you can't use the same ones you used for your previous application.)

For Voters: check out the Post to make voting easier.

mirror theme: kapitel!farfarello, mirror theme, stamped

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