What weapon would you use?
Name: Still Elwen Rhiannon, I don't like the idea of using different LJ aliases every week.
Your previous stamp(s)/do you agree? I'm neither cheerful nor naive the way Kapitel!Ken is... though I watch all Euro 2008 matches [coughs]. I do look a bit like hypothetical mirror female version of Kapitel!Yohji. I'm not sure whether Secretary is a job for me - I value my independence and freedom very high, being extremly sensitive to just treatment, which means that I do the best when I work under myself or someone I like or respect (hard to say which is more rare); I actually had a job interview for such position a day after being stmped (not in Kritikier though :) and didn't get it. Funny thing about song theme - at the moment, I've been voted as almost all of the soundtrack, and none of the titles repeats twice :) And no group wants me, perhaps for their own good :p
Do you consider yourself romantic? You mean, "secretive, with dark past and thoughts, possibly splited personality, lots of angst and passion, esoteric hobbies, perverted thoughts and interests on the verge of gore, delicate and sensible in one moment and sadistic in another, willing to fight all gods, not giving a damn about the fate of the world and definitely not willing to be nice"? :-D Speaking seriously, as a philologist, I distinguish romanticism from sentimentalism, As for myself, sentimental - no, romantic ...a bit ;)
Do you consider yourself mysterious? Answering this question would be revealing my secret, so I won't tell...
How would your fighting outfit look like? Do you want it to be just comfortable and practical, or to say something more about you? Comfortable, for all gods' sake, fight is not a fashion show, and one of the points is not to gain too much attention! Being female and having a soft spot for feminine outfit (dresses etc.), for fight I'd probably choose more male/unisex clothes (well-made of good quality fabrics though). I'd probably hesitate puting away my beloved long silken scarves - too easy to choke with it being trapped by closing door - and end up with leather jacket, or optionally a coat to hide a weapon. Yet I would probably wear some pieces of my favourite jewellery: earrings, charm, perhaps bracelet or ring(s).
Would you get emotionally attached to your weapon? Would you give it a name? I might get emotionally attached to it, but giving it names would be too... affected.
Would you like to have your weapon handy all the time, or to carry it on missions only? All time, as much as possible: it's naive to think that after the mission is over, I'm not a target anymore.
Would you prefer close combat, or fighting from a distance? Close combat, I want to see who attacks me.
Favorite animal, why? Dogs, they are loyal and don't bark at you behind your back.
Dirty or hygienic? Hygienic, I have pedantry in my genes.
Old-fashioned or modern? Stylish in an old-fashioned way.
Sensitive or insensitive? Sensitive, as all romantics: still water runs deep.
Logical or impulsive? Intuitive, but not short tempered.
Someone is attacking you and you don't have any weapon. What would you choose to help with defending yourself? A deodorant, a broomstick, a frying pan, something else? Or would you depend on your own body only? Quite easy for me, as I always carry at least one book with me - even if it's a small format and paperback, try to put a corner in somebody's eye, or hit the person with the edge of the hardback edition...
About your attacker: what kind of attack would be the hardest for you to defeat? From distance, especially when it's impossible not only to reach, but also to see the attacker.
Would you rather torture your victims or kill them quickly? I don't like making anyone suffer more than necessary.
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