"Takatoriiii!!!" is mean, katsu no wa wiess

Sep 02, 2008 18:05

Your mortal enemy.

Previous stamps/do you agree?
regular- Kapitel!Omi, well i guess so but i cant know for sure^^,
flower-Daisy^^, i think so^^
What traits do you dislike in yourself?blonde/naive, stubborn, too trusting/gulible....
What traits do you dislike in people in general?meaness, dishonesty, betrayal, rude, manipulation,.....

Do you prefer people who are more...
Introverted or extroverted?extroverted
Confident or modest?confident
Serious or fun?fun but knows when to be serious^^
Determined or passive?determined
Compassionate or just?i am not sure what just means@@, so i'll say compasionate^^
Friendly or abrasive?friendly^^
Devious or stick-in-the-mud?a little of both

What are your morals? How do you feel about people who don't respect the same values?well, i have alot like dont steal, be honest, be kind, do well in school, live and let live, except bugs, people should be free to be who they chose to be ^^
Do you sometimes dislike people who are kind and sincere, seem good at heart? If so, what traits in such people annoy you so much?no, they are very nice people^^
What are your views on Weiss, Schwarz, Crashers and Esset? Which of these teams would you most likely fight against?although i dont nescessarily like killing people i understand that sometimes it must be done^^;(there can be no peace w/out war, like light and shadow, costantly comingling^^), and as long as those teams of people are willing to except the consequences, then there is nothing that i can do to talk them out of it, although i may be inclined to try^^;, I would totally fight against schwarz and esset

You see the scene: some girl pushes her boyfriend, then he slaps her. What do you think about the pair? Would you try to help?i would think they are in a fight, and would try to stop them
You accidentally stamped on someone's foot. You apologize, but he doesn't want to listen. He gets aggressive. Would you still try to be diplomatic? What are your views on trying to solve problems with physical violence?(wow that seems a little harsh for steping on a foot,)... well i would still apologize, but i wouldn't fight unless it were to defend myself^^
What would you do if you find a wallet with 100$ and the owner's ID?i would bring it to the person^^, and if i couldnt find him i'd bring it to the police station^^

Links to the open applications on which you have voted on - four/less if not available. (Votes on both theme and normal applications are acceptable but you can't use the same ones you used for your previous application.)http://community.livejournal.com/weiss_rate/23477.html#cutid1

For Voters: check out the Theme Post to make voting easier.

needs votes, enemy theme

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