Neither devil nor death...

Jan 20, 2008 22:36

Name: SK.
Age: 17.
Zodiac Sign: Aries, but methinks I'm more of a Leo/Virgo hybrid.
Favorite Quote and/or Lyric: I never can choose a favorite, so I looked up a few I found amusing. Why these quotes? Because they make me chuckle lightly, as bad as some may be.

"Sometimes I need what only you can provide: your absence."
- Ashleigh Brilliant

"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it."
- Mark Twain

"I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours."

"Reading this gives me brief control of your mind."

Likes/Hobbies: Anime, manga, drawing, laptops, computers, CDs, my friends and family, working alone, music, dragons, trenchcoats, chocolate, popcorn, internet, roleplaying, money, swords, Japan, icon-making, movies, cosplay, video games, glasses, control over things/power, cartoons, tea, winning, orchestra, violin, track (sprinting), strategic games, Pirates of the Caribbean, the British, Kingdom Hearts, Phoenix Wright for DS, DDR, karaoke/singing, yaoi/shonen-ai, yuri/shojo-ai, hentai, cats, Tales of games, RPGs, acting. I also like teasing/scaring/joking with people and being sarcastic.
Dislikes: I hate it when I'm incorrect. I also dislike it when I don't know something, because I have this silly urge to know everything. I also hate it when people bug me, especially if I'm working, or when people think my work or whatever the hell I'm doing isn't good enough when I think it is. I also dislike being ignored purposely. List of other things I dislike: Celery, people who insult my beliefs or condescend me, annoying people, stress, insects (especially bees), loud noises, harsh lights, bad grades, aches, illnesses, people suffering, whiners, liars, boredom, overly "happy" songs, crowds, IDEALISTS.
Strong points: I'm usually mature and the voice of reason, unless I'm in a weird mood, in which then I can be quite unpredictable (I've been called a dork multiple times). ♥ I'm pretty responsible and a hard worker, since I'm the oldest child of my family, although I tend to be lazy on things, procrastinating to the last minute (but that's not much of a strength, eheh). I'm calm (but I can overreact at random times) and loyal to my friends/family caring deeply for my friends to the point of protecting them as well as my siblings. I'd never think of betraying them even if they ever betrayed me. I am quite intelligent and do well in school. I'm told to be quite witty. And actually, I'm pretty good at teasing (I like to joke around, but I can also be serious) and scaring people. I'm also a curious person, but know when to draw the line when something gets too dangerous.
Weak points: Because I tend to bottle my emotions and can be sensitive at times, I tend to fall into depression easily and worry a hell of a lot, even though I want to appear like nothing's bothering me at all and let things bounce off me. At times I'm very pessimistic, only thinking of the ways things could go wrong and what has gone wrong, but it's only because I don't want to think it's positive when it's really negative and be brought down further than I already am. I can also be slightly cold to some people and quiet, depending on how talkative the other person is (and if I know them well or not). If they're quite social, then I tend to be quieter to balance things out, and if they're less talkative, I want to open them up, so I tend to speak up more, and if on the right topic (such as something I'm obsessed with), I may be chatting for quite a bit. Even though I sometimes appear slightly anti-social and have isolation tendencies, I do have friends, but at times I'm just alone due to my introverted self. I tend to jump to conclusions too easily and am quite the observer, over-analyzing and thinking too much about things...and (sometimes) in the end not getting the correct conclusions. Oh, and I procrastinate a lot, but seem to get everything done on my agenda in the end, no matter how much time I have. I also seem to find the faults in something more than the achievements (just look at my application's strengths compared to weaknesses; my weaknesses are much longer), and would rather have the urge to say something that would improve something rather than a comment on how well a person did whatever they did. Oh, and I like to make sarcastic or smartass comments, although I tend to think of it as "logically pointing things out"...and I hate admitting that I'm wrong on almost anything. I hate defeat. So it's also hard for me to apologize to someone. I get jealous easily. I'm also disorganized (because I find it a hassle to clean my room), but I usually find things nonetheless.
Pet Peeves: People not turning off the microwave timer (and you can't see the time unless you turn it off). Lots of my peeves are in my dislikes, actually.
Talents: I'm tolerant of...erm...strange people. :D YES that's a talent.
Your biggest fear: Being ridiculed, ignored, thought of as weak, or incorrect on a claim. I'm also afraid of losing people close to me.

Optimistic or pessimistic? Pessimistic realist. I have a very cynical view on the world. :|
Impulsive or cautious? Cautious. I prefer to think before anything, unless there's no time to think. Say, for example, a friend was about to be hit by an oncoming car. I wouldn't just stand there and think about it. I'd push them out of the way, of course.
Mature or immature? I think of myself as mature, but everyone has their moments...
Extroverted or introverted? Definitely introverted. I got "99% introverted" on a personality quiz, once...>_>
Outgoing or shy? In-between. I'm certainly not outgoing, but I don't usually think of myself as "shy".
Emotional or collected? I'm collected and try to hide my emotions, but sometimes they show. I try to be calm whenever possible, though.
Patient or impatient? Patient, but no one truly likes waiting for things, do they? It's human nature. So I suppose "patient" would be equivalent to "not showing your impatience", as I'm pretty sure I (and everyone else) is impatient deep down. Buuut that's just my opinion. :P
Confident or modest? They vary from time to time.
Realistic or dreamer? Realist.
Logical or intuitive? Logical. Oh-so-logical~
Rude or polite? Polite, sometimes overly when I first meet you...but once you get to know me, I may be more blunt/opinionated on occasion.
Determined or passive? Determined, unless I'm under pressure...then it may vary.
Dominant or submissive? Dominant unless it's something trivial and doesn't matter to me. Then I'd submit and not waste my breath on it.
Leader or follower? I can be both, depending on the situation or if I choose to step up to the plate or not, because I am capable of being a leader. But sometimes I just do things on my own.
Compassionate or just? I prefer to be just, but I have some compassion.
Friendly or abrasive? Depends on my mood? Ehn...

What color do you think relates most to you and why? Black, because I tend to like dark things and wear it, I suppose? :D I also think of the word "secretive" when I think of black.
Can you put your trust in people? Not usually. I'm a paranoid person. They have to gain it through time...but once you have it, you have it for life, unless someone decides to break it.
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Alone. But if the group is competent enough for the task, then I wouldn't mind...I just despise slackers. I don't want to take care of everyone's work just because they're a bunch of lazy asses, thank you. ♥
What's most important to you? There's a lot of things important to's difficult to pick just one.
Deadly Sin you relate to the most and why? Envy or Sloth, probably. I've had the problem of being envious of other people since the beginning of high school. But I'm pretty lazy and like to lie in bed until the afternoon and play video games whenever I can, but when I'm put to work, I'm hard-working. Greed would be next. I'm always looking forward to the next cosplay, the next video game, the next figure...oh, did I mention I'm a penny pincher? Just a little. But I'm good with managing my money...guess greed has it's uses?
Deadly Sin you don't relate to at all and why? The least I guess would be gluttony. I'm just...not a glutton.
Number one goal in life: Being a great violinist, living a hassle-free life, being recognized for something (not just "the girl who liked anime"), attend college, gain respect in some way, learn Japanese fully (I'm currently studying it).

Favorite Weiss Kreuz character? Why? I won't say to avoid swaying votes.
Least favorite Weiss Kreuz character? Why? Omi. He's too childish/innocent.
If you were given the chance to become one of the characters for a short period of time, who would you choose? Why? Hmm. Maybe Schuldig. He seems to have a lot of fun...might be a stress-reliever from my current life. Hurrhurr.

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crawford, stamped, regular application

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