neither devil nor death

Feb 16, 2008 22:17

Name: Sarah
Age: 21 in ten days.
Zodiac Sign: Pisces is my sun sign, Aquarius is my moon sign; Taurus rising. (I'm kind of a dork about this stuff, I know a lot about astrology.) As far as Eastern astrology goes, I'm a Rabbit [tiger] ((snake)). Yeah. Check it out.
Favorite Quote and/or Lyric: "I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game. .... It's time to try defying gravity. And you can't bring me down."


("See that girl, barefootin' along
Whistlin' and singing, she's carrying on
There's laughter in her eyes, dancing in her feet
She's a neon-light diamond, she can live on the street.")

Likes: Chocolate. Privacy. Orgasm. Reading, writing, singing, sleeping, vegetating, learning, sciences of all kind, psychology. Cats. Thunderstorms. Magic. Faerie dust.
Dislikes: Stupid people. Humans. Religious fanatics.
Strong points: Headstrong. Creative. Thinks about things in a radically atypical way. Shameless. Artistic in every sense except that which involves actually drawing. Multi-faceted.
Weak points: Smartass. Loud, abrasive, vulgar. Sarcastic, cynical, derisive. Complex and self-contradictory. Batshit insane.
Pet Peeves: Stupid people. Humans.
Hobbies: Sleeping, reading, writing, music, roleplaying.
Talents: Being funny, singing, writing, writing music and lyrics, performing, pretending.
Your biggest fear: I'm not sure. I'd love to find out, to laugh in its face.

Optimistic or pessimistic? Well, it's hard for me to answer that. Realistically, I know that the world will take every chance it gets to fuck me over and totally ruin anything I might look forward to. But still I hope otherwise. That's the curse of this free will crap, that no matter how much you get beat down you still claw your way forward, up and out.
Impulsive or cautious? Spontaneous for fun, very calculating and plan-y when it comes to business.
Mature or immature? Both. At the same time. Go figure.
Extroverted or introverted? Well, when it comes down to it I'm very shy and hedging. But the world has taught me to be fearless and approach people. I work in market research so I talk to total strangers all the time, but if I had my choice I'd never leave my cave or go near others, excepting possibly my lover.
Outgoing or shy? .... Yeah, I only like repeating myself when it's funny.
Emotional or collected? I am one of the coolest cats you'll ever meet. Outwardly, anyway. Unless you know me pretty well, you'll never see me hysterical. But it does happen. I'm objective when it comes to other peoples' emotions [that's the Aquarius talking] but COMPLETELY a slave to my own [and that's the Pisces].
Patient or impatient? Patient when I choose to be. I lay my traps on the path ahead for people to fall into, and then flutter around their face rapidly to keep them on edge and distracted. Er. I mean. Hi.
Confident or modest? Realistic. I know what I'm good at, and I know what my flaws are. They are many. But somehow I get around them.
Realistic or dreamer? *sigh* At heart I'm a dreamer. I have so many visions of paradise, but I'm stuck here in hell. And no sense trying to apply dreamworld rules when what i need is realworld survival. But I do still dream.
Logical or intuitive? Both, of course. I have that complete dichotomy of character. It's annoying. I have such rapid and vast leaps of logic that it -SEEMS- intuitive. Sortof.
Rude or polite? HAHAHAH. I'm callous, coarse, vicious, and snide. But if I have to be, I can be -very- diplomatic. But it has to be my choice.
Determined or passive? ....Yeah. The world is my bitch.
Dominant or submissive? Submissive. (yes, you laugh.) Well, I'm a switch, actually. Goes with the rest, doesn't it?
Leader or follower? Loner. I hate taking orders, because the person giving them is usually a halfwit. A competent leader can earn my respect and obedience, and once they do I am undyingly loyal and dedicated, but it takes a lot. Most of the time I prefer to take over simply to make things efficient, because it's easier to do the whole project myself than work with the dumbasses assigned to assist me.
Compassionate or just? Bleeding heart armored by the thorns of reality. I suppose I'm fair.
Friendly or abrasive? Cheerfully, brutally honest, but it's funny, so it works somehow. And yet I have tons of friends.

What color do you think relates most to you and why? Uhm, something seagreen or blueish. OR black. Because I gravitate toward them unerringly.
Can you put your trust in people? uh. No. People are fucking stupid.
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? Alone, for all the reasons mentioned for the leader/follower question. However, if I could find people worth working with, I'm good at holding up my portion, and good at communicating, because I'm not afraid to say what needs to be said, regardless of feelings that might be hurt.
What's most important to you? Eventual happiness and contentment. Not having to bust my ass to feed myself and spoil my lover.
Deadly Sin you relate to the most and why? Sloth. I'm lazy. I want to be rich just so I never have to work. Or gluttony. I love food. And excess in general.
Deadly Sin you don't relate to at all and why? Vanity, cause I am one hell of a three-bagger. And wrath. My vengeance is slow, cold, and controlled. I mean, unless you put me into frenzy, but then you end up a bloody smear, and.... well.... hehehe. Neeevermind.
Number one goal in life: Be able to support myself and my girl without struggling. Peace and quiet. The eventual obliteration of the human race through their own error. Damn, that's more than one. Oh well.

Favorite Weiss Kreuz character? Why? Uh. Well. Yohji. Or Schuldig. Or Farfarello. Because I see myself in all of them.
Least favorite Weiss Kreuz character? Why? Ran. His hate is so uncontrolled and useless. He has so much time to plan, and yet has nothing. Or possibly Crawford, because his extreme is just as... extreme. I like to be both at once, hot AND cold.
If you were given the chance to become one of the characters for a short period of time, who would you choose? Why? Farfarello. To experience true insanity, so I'd be able to always reassure myself that I'm sane as a teacup compared to SOME loons. I don't need to spend any time as Schuldig. I've roleplayed him for eight years, and written an entire sourcebook for my roleplaying planet on pathogenic powers, telepathy first and foremost. I'd never, ever want to pay that price.

Links to the open applications on which you have voted on (three/less if not available):

Uhm, there are no open applications on which I have voted. Sorry?

EDIT: I went and voted on this one. And this one too. Oh, this one too.

Please post one or two pictures of yourself behind an LJ-cut. Describe your appearance if you have no photos.

That will be all.

schuldig, stamped, regular application

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