[Action : Locked to residents of Pancake House]
[It was like awakening from the nightmares he'd have periodically about being trapped in that warehouse inferno. Burning, shortness of breath, and the sheer dispair, knowing that you're going to die and there is nothing you can do about it, no matter how much you fight.
And he had died. Juri had killed him by beating and burning him with that purple acidic fire of her and he could still...No. That way lay madness. He couldn't go down that path. Not yet.
All he could do was sit in the bed, trying to catch his breath. ]
[Action 2 for Pancake house]
[Ken is surly and in a bad mood, but he's making breakfast for you all. Be happy ok? Sheesh.]
[Action : Free for all]
[Ken is walking in the park trying to get his mind off the dairy event of last night. He's as pissed as hell and embarrassed at how easily Juri had kicked his ass.
Come bother him if you dare.]