If you think we're in a race-run patriarchy, then I suggest you visit some other countries and expand your horizons. I would start with Saudi Arabia and then Sudan. Let's see what a real patriarchy looks like, let's see what happens when being the wrong race can (and does) get you killed.
When I hear this crap I think: "These people have no sense of perspective."
Yes, there are injustices in this society, but when you use invective like that pretty much only those who already agree with you or are ignorant will take you seriously. I find these people as credible as the Bible-ranting crazy man who has set up shop at Park Ave. & 47th St.
Oh, and if their beef is with the old boys' network of the entertainment biz, this reminds me of my reaction to that grand crusade NOW had against the Masters and Augusta National, or PETA trying to get the town of Fishkill to change its name: they must've solved all the important problems to be wasting their time on =this=.
Obviously we are capitalist, My recurring question is “What do you mean by ‘capitalist’?” I know what I mean, but I've also noted that what other people mean is incompatible with what I mean. And, having gone over the definitions in various dictionaries, I've found a mess.
Good question. I don't have an adequate answer. What I basically mean is that we're still in that thing that developed after feudalism and prevailed over various challenges, like socialism, though not without significant modifications to its theoretical pure form.
By most sociological definitions of the term "patriarchy," the United States is considered a patriarchy, due to the fact that women do not predominate in positions of power, whether you look at political or economic venues. Although opportunities exist for women at the individual level that did not exist forty years ago, the upper echelons of U.S. society still remain largely closed to women due to structural, supply-side and demand-side factors
( ... )
There is debate about that... some anthropologists claim that prior to the advent of capitalism, some non-patriarchal societies existed (probably the most famous is located in Margaret Mead's research). Others claim there has never been a non-patriarchal society yet.
Oh, I am fairly convinced from my own anthro background that there have been non-patriarchal societies. I am asking about contemporary societies, since there is enough variation in gender relations throughout the world that I am wondering about the usefulness of calling it all patriarchy. Also, if the US is a patriarchy, what contemporary country demonstrates not-patriarchy?
I checked my online dictionary
January 15 2006, 07:34:03 UTC
Well if you go with the dictionary definition of patriarchy I would agree with you. Perhaps that word is used for a lack of better word, much like your comments on racism. Patriarchy isn't what it was a 100 years ago and neither is racism. However, we still have our current society. So perhaps we no longer have legal male dominance, but we still have a federal government and Supreme Court that may have trouble recognizing a women in the same position as them. Furthermore, and of most concern, is the prevailing rate of violence against women. Whatever word is used, the need is the same; women need something to unite for more reasons then gaining influence in politics. Women need to find a common bound to protect each other. That way, perhaps, women would not make such appealing victims.
Comments 10
When I hear this crap I think: "These people have no sense of perspective."
Yes, there are injustices in this society, but when you use invective like that pretty much only those who already agree with you or are ignorant will take you seriously. I find these people as credible as the Bible-ranting crazy man who has set up shop at Park Ave. & 47th St.
Oh, and if their beef is with the old boys' network of the entertainment biz, this reminds me of my reaction to that grand crusade NOW had against the Masters and Augusta National, or PETA trying to get the town of Fishkill to change its name: they must've solved all the important problems to be wasting their time on =this=.
My recurring question is “What do you mean by ‘capitalist’?” I know what I mean, but I've also noted that what other people mean is incompatible with what I mean. And, having gone over the definitions in various dictionaries, I've found a mess.
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