Characters : Wesley and the younger apocalypse bringer
Location : Random place
Description : She sets a few things in motion
The little girl within the older man's body was having a good time. Her toys were out and playing across the streets, the Slayer would be attacked from all sides. This man held the knowledge of her home and her address. She hoped the Slayer would like her present. Six demons, nearly as old as time itself on their way to her home. She couldn't wait to see the results and she could feel the pain that this caused Wesley, it wrapped around the heart that beat within his chest.
She tutted softly, the british man's voice was now her own." It'll be alright, you'll see." She tried to reassure him but the more she did, the more pain he felt. These humans with their emotions and their attachments to people, it really was pointless at the end of the day. Everyone died, no-one lasted forever so why did they get attached?
This man mourned for a love lost, the image of a young woman flashed through his mind and the bringer saw her. Her name was Fred and this Wesley loved her but the woman had abandoned him for something or perhaps someone? The thought of someone else caused a flash of pain and anger. Wesley's lips curled into a smile, this man was interesting, so much darker than anyone ever gave him credit for.
The young bringer watched as her demons set off into the night. Their bodies glistened beneath the moonlight and she could see their teeth gnashing together. The thought of Slayer blood had inspired a great thirst within them all, they wanted her dead and it was just what the bringer wanted. The vampire with a soul was out of the way, the other was trapped within Wolfram and Hart.
The only people that should between her and the end of the world was the Slayer and her group but they would be gone soon. The demons would see to that and the man now held captive within his own body could only watch on through the bringer's eyes.
The end of the world would come and it would come soon. She would see to that.