Okay folks, it's that time of the month again.
Roll call every body!
Who are you?
What characters do you play?
Where are they?
Do you still want to play?
Contact information?
Any ideas/suggestions for storylines?
Questions?Fill this out and I'd love you forever
Miranda aka Mands
Wesley, Cordelia, Sebastian, Kris and Buffy
Wesley - No idea as the bringer takes him places
Cordelia - Wolfram and Hart
Sebastian - Wolfram and Hart
Kris - Buffy's house
Buffy - At home
Yes I still want to play
Contact information : AIM - mandsangelfox or electrikblueskye
Um, currently working on storylines so there you go
Why do we have such poor luck with Dawn?-----------------
Alright, I'm done for now ;-)