stole this from Rachel. Rachel, btw, I miss you. How are things?

Feb 08, 2006 23:55

For your viewing pleasure.....

1 HOUR AGO: printed stuff off in the computer lab
1 DAY AGO: exactly 24 hours ago i was studying my ass off
1 YEAR AGO: mmmm a year ago i was laying on the couch with my leg elevated (it was broken)
I LOVE: life
I HATE: laziness
I FEAR: not getting into vet school. but moreover not making it through undergrad with enough of a chance to do anything. my grades!
I FEEL: more than you know.
I HIDE: too much, and not enough all at the same time. if that makes sense.
I DRIVE: ALOT. and i love it.
I MISS: summer.
I LEARNED: how to deal. how to live a random and beautiful life.
I THINK: about everything.

First screen name: orngsoda13....yeah i fucking loved orange soda.
First piercing: my ears.
First credit card: the one my mom gave me when i moved to ohio
First Crush: Nick Heiny. We were in pre-school together. and my best friend of the time, meghann, and I would fight over the idea of him.....

Last car ride: 930 ish...driving home from the barn
Last movie seen: Brokeback Mountain with Greggles, Hairnets, and Foxy Minx
Last food consumed: raw ramen....about 20 minutes ago
Last phone call: I called Julia and left her a message because its been too long since ive heard from her
Last CD played: "Ali's First mix of 2006" you wish you had it!
Last drink drank: diet coke. im addicted

I AM: fucking exhausted
I WANT: chocolate. NOW
I HAVE: amazing people in my life
I WISH: i could see the future. I wish i knew what i had to do in every situation to get the desired outcome.
I WONDER: If I can move up this year with flash. I wonder if i'll make it into vet school
I ALWAYS: laugh really loud.
I DANCE: when im drunk. ALOT when im drunk. especially in bars, and occasionally when im sober
I SING: In the car
I CRY: at really really inopportune times (ie. Tansey's office, Gregs car, horse shows in my stall while taking out studs....etc)
I WRITE: notes during bio to that crazy boy who sits next to me
I CONFUSE: everyone.

NUMBER: 21. Fuckin EH! Im such an alcoholic
COLOR(S): anything earthy. greens, browns. i like black. especially when paird with white.
DAYS: all of them.
MONTH: i like spring, summer, and fall. Winter isnt terrible, but i like the others better
SONG(S): currently: Doorbell by the white stripes. or maybe Rain by breaking benjamin. or maybe.....yeah i could go on like this for awhile
SEASON(S): spring summer fall.....give me them happy
DRINK: bud light.

HELPED SOMEONE: yeah. i confessed to something that i didnt really need to confess to, just to clear someone elses name. what KILLS me is that i dont even like her. wtf is wrong with me?
GOTTEN SICK: actually, im starting to feel a sore throat......
TALKED TO AN EX: definitely not.
HAD A SERIOUS TALK: it was probably serious for about... .5 seconds. and then it sobered up and got un-serious
HUGGED SOMEONE: maybe lizzle?
PHYSICAL CONTACT?: I probably punched greg in the ribs or something.....

And thats all she wrote.
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