A: morning after the event
[Her nightmares are bad, to the point where that's probably what wakes her. The little snippets of sleep she's been allowing herself this weekend were all like that. They didn't all wake with her feeling comfortable, though, and so it's with a bit of a start that she half sits up, looking around to see that the house is back together and she's back in the bed she's been sleeping in. Then she checks beside her, and Holland's there, right where he should be.
She doesn't hesitate at all to cuddle up to him as she lays down again, arm across his chest to be sure he's still breathing.]
B: phone
[Two weeks of being droned and then one weekend of hell, and Canada's first big call after that isn't even for friendly reasons. No, it's for reasons of the 'moose don't stay where the mailman puts them' variety, after her bear reported that it had wandered off unaccompanied. She sounds worried.]
Hi, everybody, I'm really sorry to bother you when I'm sure you're all trying to get back to normal, but if you see a little moose running around, please don't hurt him! He's just in a strange place and so I think he's a little confused, but he'll be fine just as soon as I find him!
... Actually, if anyone sees a little moose running around, hold on to him for me and call me back? Please?
C: around town
[Maybe you've found a
calf in your garden or maybe you're unaware there's an escaped moose issue. Maybe you catch Canada on her way back home, that girl who forgot to put on a sweater before she went out with her polar bear to find her moose. Yes, she is literally a walking stereotype. Any way, she'll be friendly as she passes (and the moose will be anxious) and if you know her at all, she'll be stopping to check on you.]