Today, in honor of my baby brother's first full week as an undergraduate and his first day of classes at his new alma mater, I wish to share with everyone how proud I am of him. I am proud of him not for surviving high school, not for surviving a week in a room with a complete stranger, not for surviving my parents' tears as they bid farewell to their last offspring as he flees the childhood nest, and no, not for cramming his life into a station wagon and depositing it in the wilds of upstate New York. These are worthy accomplishments indeed, but I am proud of him for remembering his roots, even as he leaves his youthful upbringing behind:
[Discussion of shellfish, keeping kosher, and uh, crabs]
timalfoteo: You know, you're approaching a very fine line here.
wellstar: At least we're not talking about circumcision.
timalfoteo: Oh look. There it is. The line.
wellstar: Are you trying to tell me to cut it out?
timalfoteo: Yes. You're my SISTER.
wellstar: Well I think you're making a mountain out of mohel.
timalfoteo: Okay, now you've crossed the line.
wellstar: Thanks for the tip-off.
timalfoteo: There's no need to get snippy.
Let's hear it for family values, ladies and gentlemen. I'm so proud!
In other news, Male Roommate is safely ensconced in his newest apartment and I have begun to pay off my debt for services rendered. The twin is comfortably settled in her new office, and The Elusive GC has emerged briefly from her laser-studded fortress. Nonetheless, the coming fall looms large ahead. I would call this the calm before the storm, but given current events and the gigantic To Do list on my desk, I don't actually think the phrase actually applies. Methinks I would do well to unplug the ethernet cord today.