challenge #61

Feb 28, 2012 00:08

random color
Go HERE and spin the color wheel! Your icons for this challenge should feature the colors you got. You can spin the wheel up to three times (and choose any 3 colors you like) :)
Have fun:) and feel free to ask any questions!

You can make icons from any stock image that fits the theme of the challenge.
(fashion images or text images from weheartit or fffound are NOT stock).

Good sites to find stock images: veer || gettyimages || || inmagine

You can submit up to 3 icons per contestant.

Your icons must fit LJ standards (100x100, 40 KB).

Post your icon and the icon url in a new post to the community and tag your entry with your username.

Deadline for this challenge is:
Sunday, March 5, 20.00 GMT. () more or less.

Remember that premade icons are not allowed, they must be NEW for ALL challenges here!

All effects are allowed, except animation.

you can suggest me new ideas for future challenges + HERE + in the suggestion box ;)

We need more people participating to have more fun so if you could promote us I will thank you forever!


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