Crappy day today really. Dad's nurse came round to take his line out, and he spent most of the day sleeping after that. Then he got up and had a mini tantrum in the kitchen, banging stuff about. He feels like shite and his eyes were going all blurry. Fucking vile drugs. Then he got all pissed off about still having 10 treatments and an operation
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Took him up to the vets today, half expecting not to bring him home to be honest, but I did. The vet was great. One I haven't seen before, from some foreign country as usual, they don't employ British vets there
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Have done 1500 words, but just can't bring myself to do any more. Urgh, that is rubbish! will have do do even more tomorrow now. I have hit that wall today where I know writing anymore would just be utter waffle and pants
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Am sat here pissing yself laughing. My Dad has just concreted the back path and Rocky has just walked all over it. He is SO not happy. I am hiding so I don't laugh in his face.
Feeling a bit better today. Woke up to the sound of my Dad yelling at the sheep out of the window as they were eating his blackberry bush. LOL
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