jsut gfot bak from nicole's house. im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo trsashed right now. i had soo myuch to drink.let me tell u. i had a water bottle full of vodka. a beer. about 6 shots of peppermint shnappes. n um a pain killer. yea i was fucking GONE.im decent right now. but i passed out like6 times. threw up about 3 or 4 times. it
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just got back from the show. it was good. me kahlie.amy.-n- danielle went. jameson -n- dan came along. it was dec. i had actually dressed up. me -n- the girls took pics. ill be sure to have kahlie post them on this bad boy later. they came out good. so we were all at teh show for about a half hour then me-danielle-jameson-n- dan went to espresso's
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ughh i hate how yesterday i get a call about how my uncle is going to die in a week.. -n- today is alexis's 6 month. i miss her. i realli do :( it isnt fair. i envy all those ppl who were able to kno her longer than i did. i learned so much from her. she gave me a whole new prespective on life. i dunno i miss her..plain -n- simple. i kno my ally
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i just got news that my uncle harvey not only has cancer in his kidneys, and his brain but now its in his liver. the cancer has covered 40% of his liver. N wen it hits 70% he'll die. just having to jump about that next 30% only takes days. so neday now we'll be getting a call about how my uncle is dead.wanna kno how old he is?58 =( fucking 58. i
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o man dude. last night was intense as u can see from my previous entry haha. thats wut happens wen ur bored. bottoms up. woke up with a bad headache. o well it happens. so on friday im supposed to go to a show with kahlie..im pumped =)i love kahlie im gonna have her children. but i feel like shit. so its bed time. =) later
i love u. i love me. i love them. i love thee. i LOCWE EVERYONE.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! n I LOVE BEING DRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LKIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!