Title: Keeping Dean Safe
Author: WenchBuxom
Word count: Under <2,000
Warnings: Pretty tame, no explicit sex or violence
Anything else: Sam POV
Story under the cut
It wasn’t intentional. At first anyway.
After the fiasco with Gadreel, Sam put his foot down. If Dean wanted Sam to stick around he had to accept Sam was off the front line. After all, if they kept hunting Sam was likely to die (again) and Dean was likely to do something monumentally stupid to bring him back (again). Sam had accepted the hunting lifestyle along with all its inherent risks. He had accepted he might die. Dean, however, had some strange mental block about how hunting would, in all likelihood, result in a dead baby brother. Sam wasn’t scared of death but Sam was terrified of Dean’s reaction to his death.
But no way was Sam letting Dean hunt alone either. Once Sam had calmed down after the conversation on that rainy bridge, he sent Cas to kidnap Dean from the bar in which he holed up. Castiel then barred the door of the bunker while Sam laid out his terms. No chasing Gadreel, Abaddon or Metatron for the moment. Dean was to train up a new partner to Sam’s satisfaction and only then could Dean hunt again.
Dean had two weeks to decide. If Dean said ‘no deal’ then Sam walked.
Naturally, it wasn’t as easy as all that. Dean blustered and snarked and stomped and glowered for two weeks solid. Sam took it stoically and refused to discuss anything but his plans for the future.
Sam would research and find new ways of keeping his brother as safe as possible out there. Since Garth had vanished, Sam could also coordinate other hunters and be the new ‘Bobby’. If Dean agreed, Sam would also bring in and train new hunters. Sam had done his stint on the front lines and gone to hell for his troubles. He was done with fighting, but he still wanted his brother with him. He still wanted to help with the family business.
Finally Dean agreed.
Dean found his new recruit, a young mountain climber who they had rescued from a wendigo some months back. Alan was an unrepentant adrenalin junkie who ran marathons up mountains for fun; “But Dean”, he said when he called, “NOTHING matched the excitement of that hunt”. Dean had a wonderful time showing off his prowess with weapons and the two were soon firm friends.
Sam found their next recruits - Nani and Jayden, a pair of history students who had helped Sam and Dean resolve a haunting in a peaceful and highly satisfying manner (well, satisfying to Sam anyway). Checking out historical records, Nani had discovered that the lady’s last wishes were to be buried with her husband, but a flood had made this impossible at the time. Two desecrated graves (and zero head injuries) later, the dead lovers were reunited and the haunted house was peaceful again.
Sam smiled at the sound of Jayden and Dean in the kitchen, waxing lyrical on the wonders of fattening greasy food. Nani and Jayden weren’t exactly hunter material, Sam smiled ruefully to himself, watching Jayden waddle into the room with one of Dean’s excellent burgers in each hand. But they were crack researchers and Sam loved having them around. The petite Nani suddenly appeared from behind Jayden’s bulk, smiling happily as she checked out her boyfriend’s jiggling butt. Sam looked down at his research and grinned quietly to himself.
Jayden and Nani loved to help Dean cook. But it was awhile before Dean ‘Kitchen Nazi’ Winchester would let either of them take control of the dinners.
Jayden eventually persuaded Dean it was Nani’s turn to cook tonight and Jayden’s tomorrow. His argument mostly involved squashing Dean against the counter with his huge belly until Dean cried ‘uncle’, laughing and puffing for breath. That night Nani introduced Dean to the wonders of fresh-cooked south Indian food. Dean went mad for the new array of flavours and insisted that Nani teach him every single recipe she knew. Nani smiled happily and Sam suspected she was pleased to find a new subject (victim?) to appreciate her culinary skills.
Jayden refused to let Dean into the kitchen all the next day. Yelling for everyone to gather together, he proudly presented his speciality, the Bacon Explosion. Dean’s eyes widened comically as Jayden explained its construction. A weave of bacon strips was laid out on a board, then smothered in sausagemeat and BBQ sauce. Next came a filling of cheese, mushrooms and yet MORE bacon. Roll it up and you had the world’s most calorific sushi roll.
That evening Alan & Sam both enjoyed the food but ate lightly, as they planned to go climbing the next day. Nani was too busy watching Dean and Jayden laughing and stuffing their faces to pay much attention to her plate. In the end, 50% of the bacon treat ended up inside Jayden and about 20% inside Dean. Sam smiled; at last Dean had someone to share his love of food. Sam hoped to add a classic rock fan to the team next.
A few weeks later a newly-awoken Dean wandered into the library, scratching his belly and saying:
“Sam, I was thinking we should all go to the lake today. Take a picnic and some cold ones, whaddya think?”
Sam looked up and noted idly that Dean’s shirt was straining around the arms and stomach. Mainly though, he was just pleased and surprised that Dean had suggested something that didn’t involve bloodshed.
“I think that’s a great idea, Dean. Let me my stuff together.”
As Sam played ball with Dean, Alan and Nani in the water, he began to ponder the changes in his brother lately. Dean seemed happier and more content. Less interested in chasing the next big bad and getting himself killed, thank heaven. Sam himself was most definitely feeling better without the entire weight of Dean’s happiness weighing on his shoulders. Sam would always love Dean, but he struggled with being Dean’s sole support and, apparently, Dean’s only reason for living. After all, Sam knew he wasn’t exactly well-adjusted either. Maybe a wider support network was all Sam and Dean needed.
After a fun day, filled with friendship and laughter, Sam was determined to add more members to their team.
As the weeks went by, Dean spent more and more time teaching their new recruits. One evening over one of Nani’s delicious curries, Dean announced that he was too valuable to spend his time criss-crossing the country since these young hunters clearly knew nothing. Sam smiled, wondering if Dean had simply got too used to the home cooking. Examining Dean, he noticed the beginnings of a double chin and a cunning plan to keep Dean out of danger began to form.
Taking aside Alan, Sam suggested that the new recruits should take over any preliminary scouting work for hunts nearby, only calling Dean in for the big finale. Alan put the proposal to Dean, emphasising how Dean shouldn’t be wasting time interviewing old ladies when he could be passing on his immense expertise instead. Sam butted in “yes, Alan’s done enough interviews with us by now. We need you here Dean”. Dean frowned suspiciously at Sam, who wondered if he’d been rumbled. Luckily Alan interjected that Dean would still get to do the exciting part of the hunt and Dean was sold. It was a good start, thought Sam.
The next part of the plan was simple: get Dean completely addicted to his home comforts. At the slightest excuse Sam bought Dean coffee-makers and plush towels, intent on making Dean reluctant to leave the bunker. Surrounded by expensive pillows and high-thread count sheets, Dean slept better than ever before. As the weeks went by Sam smiled as Dean began looking fresher-faced, well rested and more content.
Nani and Jayden cornered Sam one evening:
“We know what you’re up to Sam”, Jayden smirked, “You’re not exactly subtle you know.”
Sam gulped and admitted everything. How his brother had done too much, suffered too much and how he just wanted Dean safe at home.
Nani and Jayden looked at each other and smiled. Nani giggled and said “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with wanting your brother to stay out of danger. We won’t say a word.”
The pair wandered off, tiny Nani snuggled up against the wobbly bulk of Jayden. Sam collapsed into his chair, trying to work out if Dean already knew…
The next day Sam woke to a most amazing smell coming from the kitchen. Shaking off sleep he found Jayden and Nani preparing an immense breakfast, enough for twice the number of people in the bunker. With all of Dean’s favourite foods.
Sam looked at the pair, who smiled innocently at him, then said breakfast would be 15 minutes yet and shooed him out of the kitchen to wake his brother, armed with 2 mugs of deliciously aromatic coffee.
Sam now had accomplices.
A few months later, whilst demolishing one of Jayden’s ridiculously fattening meals, Dean smiled broadly at Sam and announced it was time they had a vacation. That afternoon, Dean sank down heavily into the impala’s driving seat and they went to visit a travel agent. “No flying” was Dean’s only requirement and Sam was keen to try anything new.
Sam hit jackpot when he found the culinary holiday brochure. “Learn to cook like a pro!” announced the front cover. Even better, the hotel was just far enough for Dean to get some quality time driving his baby.
Sam splayed out the range of choices for Dean, who thought it was an excellent idea. Dean’s (now ample) belly rumbled, so they took the brochures to a nearby café and thought about their options. Around mouthful after mouthful of pie Dean spluttered enthusiastically about the relative benefits of learning to cook either Creole or Italian food.
By the time Dean had tried every flavour of pie in the café, he sat back, rubbed his full tummy and burped in satisfaction. “Italian. It’s got to be Italian. Proper, homebaked PIZZA dude!” Sam laughed and agreed.
Once they got back from their vacation, with the finest pizza making equipment known to humankind, Dean was about 5lb heavier and even Sam had put on a couple of pounds.
Nani and Jayden welcomed them home with a huge meal. Dean dove straight in, leaving Sam to thank the pair. “If Dean’s stomach started rumbling any louder I would have been deafened” he teased, earning a glare from Dean. Dean picked up a piece of garlic bread, clearly intending to throw it at Sam, but then reconsidered and popped it in his mouth instead.
Before now, Sam had never really had much to contribute in the kitchen. So the first time he made pizza he finally experienced the rush of people enjoying his food. Everyone exclaimed about how good it was except Dean. But that was ok. Dean was just too busy stuffing his face.