Yep, 'tis nearly here. I haven't had a lot of voters for this, which is a shame. The high-calibre stories and excellent authors deserve a better response than they've had, so I'm hoping to jog people into voting and thereby improve the chances of the nominated writers getting the praise they deserve.
I'd have separated the stories by length as well if I'd had enough nominations. Next year, I'll start this in March and let the nominations run till the end of May. From June 1st to the 1st of July, I'll confirm nominations, then from 1st of August till the end of September, you can vote for your favourite stories. I'll also change the rules so you can each nominate 15 stories, but no more than two per category. Depending on the number of nominations, I may elect to separate the stories according to length. If I get enough, there will be opportunities for more than one author to win per catergory. e.g. Best Horror Story: "Xxxx, by Yyyy - short story;" "Zzzz, by Aaaa - 15,000 words or more." Allowing two votes per category in a case like that is a possibility. The last thing I want is to have to create forty or more polls!
Anyway, to make life a tidge easier, I've linked the polls here so you don't have to dig to get to them. Please take some time to demonstrate your appreciation of quality writing.
Best Action/Adventure Story:
Gamesmanship, by Raksha the Demon In The Pits Of Utumno, by Jay of Lasgalen Blood and Fire, by Clodia Tales of a Dark Continent, by Morthoron [VOTE!] Best Angst Story:
Angua von Uberwald, a Lycanthropic Compromise, by Gogol Across the Sea, by StarSpray [VOTE!] Best Drabble:
Only A Second or Two, by Larner Darkening Days, by LindaHoyland [VOTE!] Best Drama:
An Opportunity Presents Itself, by CocoaB Mask of Virtue, by Lindahoyland Goldilocks and the Three Balrogs, by Clodia Aspects of Aragorn by Inzilbeth [VOTE!] Best Family Story:
The Eve of Christmas Eve, by Violin Ghost Hunting the Dragon, by Lindahoyland Yule Tails, by Pearl Took [VOTE!] Best Horror Story:
Whimper, by Epilachna Lords and Lordship, by WendWriter [VOTE!] Best Hurt/Comfort Story:
Keeping Watch, by cairistiona7 Keep Him Secret, Keep Him Safe, by Shirebound [VOTE!] Best Parody/Comedy:
Riding the Fire, by Raksha the Demon Worse Than The Witch King, by Virtuella The Vetissey, by Virtuella [VOTE!] Best Romance Story:
Pencil Sketch, by Violin Ghost Wildflowers and Green Grass, by Epilachna [VOTE!] Best Science Fiction Story:
Dulce Et Decorum Est, by The Sugarfaerie Anders and the Arbiter, by Spartan R41 [VOTE!] Best Spiritual/Supernatural story:
A Forgotten Song, by KyMahalei When the Rain Clears, by Eleve Osirian Eight Elven Cloaks, by Virtuella [VOTE!] Come on, people: praise them with great praise! They are excellent, and they deserve it. Vote for them to thank them for writing such great stories for us to enjoy. :)