Is there a delay on posts showing up on friends' "friendslists" pages? I wanted to see if my post was showing the right userpic, so I trundled over to a friends' friend page and I'm not there......
1. Go to 2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark. 3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions. 4. Post the top however many you feel like results.
I really like postal mail. I like getting it, and I even like sending it. I have a stack of things to pop in the mailbox when we go out and it pleases me greatly.
Magnus stopped by AGAIN, with another card (this one illustrated by Teagan, with a picture of a clock on it) and a present - a new watch! I never replaced the last one I had, that I reacted to, and he chose well, I love it
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Magnus just showed up at my work with 30 (!) carnations and a big mylar "30" balloon. :) Also a handmade card with one of his trademark sweet/silly poems in it. Good man.