I challenged shabella to give me a word as prompt for a drabble. She gave me Ring. I don't think this is what she was expecting as a result, but she was kind enough to say she likes it :)
Yeah, it has to help - though I wonder whether sometimes having the ability to do that wouldn't be more than you could bear. How easy could it be to hear your loved one's voice, as if they've only nipped out to the shops, yet believe in your heart that you'll never see them again?
Actually, a number of my drabbles - not all, but 17 of them, which is a pretty good number - are collected here, on Teaspoon. Alternatively, just click on my drabble tag on my LJ; that'll find any drabble written since I started posting fic to my LJ, which might actually be all of them. :)
Thank you very much :) The ironic thing with the prompt is that as soon as Nic typed it into my IM window the idea of a phone not ringing came straight to me. Then I saw her next comment, about having just looked at a ring, and I realised that she actually had in mind a piece of jewellery.
Having said that, her own drabble ( here) doesn't that interpretation of the prompt either. However, dark_aegis's does, but again not in the predictable way: here.
And, yes, I adore Jackie the protective, devastated mother. If you liked this, you'll adore dark_aegis's!
I do love it when you write Jackie, even when it is as heartbreaking as this. You captured her pain and that fine sliver of hope that kept her going, kept her searching for her daughter beautiful.
Thank you, too :) You know I love Jackie - one of these days I might even have to set up a Jackie comm ;) That year must have been so horrible for her: absolutely unspeakably terrifying. It's a wonder she only slapped Nine! I'm really glad you liked this. :)
Comments 14
Thank you! I'm glad you liked this :)
...No idea where that idea came from, it just popped into my head.
Actually, a number of my drabbles - not all, but 17 of them, which is a pretty good number - are collected here, on Teaspoon. Alternatively, just click on my drabble tag on my LJ; that'll find any drabble written since I started posting fic to my LJ, which might actually be all of them. :)
Having said that, her own drabble ( here) doesn't that interpretation of the prompt either. However, dark_aegis's does, but again not in the predictable way: here.
And, yes, I adore Jackie the protective, devastated mother. If you liked this, you'll adore dark_aegis's!
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