Drabble: Situation Vacant [Spoilers for PiC]

Apr 06, 2008 12:27

Story: Situtation Vacant
Author:  wmr   wendymr
Characters: Tenth Doctor
Rated: G
Disclaimer: All the BBC's.
Spoilers:  Partners In Crime. Not a huge spoiler, but relates to one moment about 10 minutes into the episode.
Summary: There’s nobody here. Not now.

I really didn't mean to do this. But the scene in question brought a lump to my throat, and I couldn't resist. With very many thanks to kae_nine and christn7 for BRing. Look out for PiC drabbles to come from both of them too!

Situation Vacant

He’s talking, babbling, going on about his brilliance, finding out what’s going on and...

And nothing. Silence.

There’s nobody here. Not now.

They’ve all gone. One after another, they’ve all gone. Abandoned. Lost. Driven away. Turned into atoms.

All his fault.

He’s alone, and his ship, his beautiful ship, echoes around him like a cavern.

I travel alone, he told someone recently. Last of his kind, again the only Time Lord in the universe. When he dies, there’ll be no-one left. No-one to remember. No-one to care.

He works on, aching inside. Sometimes, the loudest, most painful voice is silence.


And, if you liked this, go and read catsfiction's lovely companion piece, Position Filled.

tenth doctor, angst, drabble, fic

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