Story: By Whose Right?
Author: wmr
wendymr Characters: Tenth Doctor, Donna Noble
Rated: G
Disclaimer: They're not mine, but I don't care as long as they're being written as brilliantly as they are this season!
Spoilers: The Fires of Pompeii (and won't make a lot of sense unless you've seen it)
Summary: History demands sacrifice.
With very many thanks to
dark_aegis for BRing on the spot with no notice, and apologies for the dodgy Latin.
By Whose Right?
History demands sacrifice.
Gallifrey for the universe. Now, twenty thousand people for Earth.
No matter that in his head they’re already dead (are dead, were dead, will be dead), that he told Donna he can’t save them. Before, he wasn’t their killer. One thing to stand by and do nothing; another to be himself the instrument of their destruction, whatever Donna might think.
His hand trembles above the lever. Quis jus? By whose right?
Her hand covers his, sharing responsibility. History repaired.
Later, she begs him to save someone. He does, but doesn’t tell her the truth: she already has.