Ficlet: Role-Model

Apr 30, 2008 18:09

Story: Role-Model
Author: wmr wendymr 
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler
Rated: PG13
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I can't see RTD or the BBC ever filming this... so not mine
Summary: “You’re the one standing there in... in... next to nothing, Rose! And have you been stealing things from my wardrobe?”

Written for a certain person who shall be nameless coughDavecough who seems obsessed by a certain actor's photo-shoots ;) Fluffy crack. Or cracky fluff. Cruff? ;)



“What? Bit busy here, Rose-” He pokes his head out from beneath the grille. His gaze falls on bare ankles and travels up to meet naked legs, naked thighs and only then the curved tails of a white shirt. A white shirt that seems to be missing all of its buttons. Yes. Right. That must be why she’s holding it closed across her waist.

“Ow!” Dragging himself up, he stands by the console, rubbing his head that he’s just managed to bang against the underside of the control panel on his way up. “Now look what you made me do!”

“Me?” Oh, that look’s far too deceptively innocent. “You’re careless and I’m responsible?”

“You’re the one standing there in... in... next to nothing, Rose! And have you been stealing things from my wardrobe?”

“Oh, this old thing?” She grins, pulling at the shirt lapel, and... and... she’s doing that deliberately, isn’t it? The gap across her chest is widening, and all he can see is... things he certainly shouldn’t be seeing. Things he really wouldn’t mind seeing more of, a lot more of, and it’s all her fault.

He drags his gaze higher. Yes, better that way. Safer. Really shouldn’t be just staring at... even if they are very nice and round and all lovely and pink and naked under the shirt. Naked. She’s not wearing... Yes. No looking down. Right. Straight in front of him, Rose’s face, same as always, even with that grin that’s more knowing than makes him comfortable.

Hair! Her hair’s different today. More... curly? She’s been doing something to it. It’s all wavy and ripply and just crying out for him to see if it feels as soft as it looks.

He takes a deep breath, accidentally glancing down again. Curves. Valleys. Round shapes and lots of pink, creamy skin.

No. Must not drool. Time Lords do not drool.

“Rose,” he manages at last, doing his best to sound stern. “What are you doing?”

She shrugs, bringing up a hand to run her fingers through her hair. He squeaks.

“Doctor? Are you all right?”

“Me?” Was that high-pitched? He counts silently to five. “Me? Course I’m all right. Always all right.”

“Then why did you squeak?”

“That wasn’t a squeak! It was... it was a... a Time Lord thing. Yep. Time Lord thing. Happens occasionally. Nothing to worry about.”

“Right.” She grins, shifting her stance and... oh, god, now her hip’s jutting out and the shirt’s riding up on her thigh. Oh. Oh. She’s definitely wearing nothing under it.

“Rose, what are you doing? Why are you...” He waves vaguely in the direction of the white garment that doesn’t even deserve to be called clothing.

Her eyes widen. “Thought it was what you wanted.”

“Um... what?”

“The photo. Found it on my bed, an’ this shirt too. Thought that’s... well, ‘s only us two on this ship, so who else could’ve left them there?”

“Photo?” He’s squeaked again. This is really destroying his reputation as a mature, sensible, cool under all circumstances Time Lord, and it’s all her fault.

“Yeah. This photo.” She reaches out, handing it to him, and now that she’s not holding it the shirt’s open almost all the way down the front. He averts his gaze again - how much is one Time Lord supposed to take? He’s only... well, no, not human. Never that. But faced with one almost-naked Rose Tyler -

He grabs the photo. Looks from it to her. Looks at it again. Swallows. How did that get...? Last time he saw that it was safely shut away in his dressing-table, wasn’t it?

“You found this on your bed?” Oh, no. Not the squeak again.

“Yeah. An’ the shirt.”

“Um... I...”

“Looks a bit like me, doesn’t she?”

“Well... sort of. Maybe. A bit.” At the narrow-eyed look she gives him, he adds, “You’re nicer, though. A lot nicer. More... beautiful?”

Her smile’s radiant. “Thanks. So...” She shrugs again, and he’s finding it hard to stand upright. “So, what? Should I go an’ take it off again now?”

Yes. Yes, she should. Go back to jeans and sweatshirts and hoodies and cover up all of that tempting naked skin and...

She winks at him. And even Time Lords have their limits.

“Yes. Yes, you definitely should. Bad idea, staying like that for too long. Might catch cold. Very dangerous. I should probably come with you. You know, help you to... to take it off. Check you over, make sure there’s no ill effects. Never know what might happen.”

She grins again. “Ooh. Always loved playing Doctor and patient. Do I get a full physical?”

“Well, better safe than sorry and all that...”

He makes a mental note to find more of that model’s photoshoots. Maybe on a rug next time, wearing nothing but a tie and a smile?

~ end

The photograph in question:

tenth doctor, fluff, crackfic, rose tyler, fic

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