Story: Pre-Emptive Strike
Author: wmr
wendymr Characters: Tenth Doctor, others alluded to
Rated: G
Spoilers: Journey's End
Summary: He feels their absence already even as laughter ripples around the console, hears the echo of eight goodbyes as yet unspoken.
Inspired by an exchange with
nina_ds elsewhere on my LJ.
Pre-Emptive Strike
They all leave eventually, some sooner than others. Responsibilities, the ties of family, of their own planet, or ultimately of their own mortality.
He knows it, feels their absence already even as laughter ripples around the console, hears the echo of eight goodbyes as yet unspoken.
And he’s ready.
A glance here, a slight there; a reminder of responsibilities for the soldier and for the mother; a hint of mistrust for the Captain; words withheld on a beach. A mind invaded and plundered.
Eight partings, just as predicted, and carefully planned, every one.
He’ll choose his own time to mourn.
Runner-up in the Drabble category of Round Three of the Children of Time Awards!