
Dec 09, 2005 18:40

seriously. i want to be on a game show. these days, i am obsessed with money. i want to buy christmas presents, and i'm also still determined to go to new york, if only for a night, sometime before christmas. if someone knows of some way (besides prostitution) that i can make several hundred dollars really fast, let me know. especially if it's a ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

xsewthelipsx December 10 2005, 00:58:39 UTC
i love you you saucy minx!
money is a good time!


wenlovesme December 10 2005, 17:58:59 UTC
hahaha you are a good time. you are soooo british.


girlytattoos December 10 2005, 03:54:06 UTC
pose nude for money?


wenlovesme December 10 2005, 18:00:31 UTC
haha i don't think that would work. most people want like not pregnant people.


amycheese December 10 2005, 22:19:49 UTC
hey, that's discrimination. go see if you can do it. it might be kind of awesome to have, like, an art class or a photographer or something working with a pregnant model.


girlytattoos December 11 2005, 04:46:07 UTC
very true that and some people have a fetish for pregnate chicks.


captainhaircut December 10 2005, 20:57:02 UTC
you should definitely donate plasma. or be in a medical research study. that would work.


wenlovesme December 12 2005, 04:36:35 UTC
i don't think i should be doing that kind of thing being pregnant and all.


captainhaircut December 12 2005, 17:40:22 UTC
you're pregnant?

i'm ron burgundy?


wenlovesme December 13 2005, 02:51:37 UTC
hahahaha i've never heard you quote that movie before. it's pretty good.


life_imitation December 11 2005, 23:11:27 UTC
you idiot, you're not smart!

always with the lies.


wenlovesme December 12 2005, 04:36:51 UTC
oh shut your face.


life_imitation December 12 2005, 13:17:23 UTC
fair enough.


wenlovesme December 13 2005, 02:51:53 UTC
hahaha i love you


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