miniscule-scale teny-tiny ficlet -- the Her Father's Daughter remix

Nov 25, 2008 00:31

A remix of a miniscule scale teeny-tiny ficlet by hyel
This fic is rated: G
Fandom: Firefly/Serenity
Characters/Pairing: Kaylee, ofc
Summary: Kaylee's babysitting
Warnings: kiddiefic, au
Spoilers: for the BDM
Word Count: 100
Feedback: yes, please! Concrit welcomed.
Distribution: archiving, linking or remixing ok, just credit me and drop me a line!
Cross-Posted were_lemur,
My FanFic Masterlist
Disclaimer: Joss is god ... I just write the apocrypha.

"Tell me about my daddy," she says, her dark eyes half-closed as sleep overtakes her.

Kaylee smoothes the bronze-colored curls back from her goddaughter's face. She must have told the story a thousand times; from the first time she babysat while Zoe was on duty. She'll keep telling it as long as the girl will listen.

So she settles down in her usual position, carefully balanced on the edge of the bed. Pillows her head on her hand, and stares down at the little girl.

"Once upon a time," Kaylee says, "there was a brave, handsome pilot name of Wash."

firefly/serenity, kaylee frye, the dreaded ofc, gen, my fics let me show you them, remix, au, kiddiefic

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