This fic is rated: PG-13
Fandom: Pirates of the Carribean
Characters: Captain Will Turner, a shipful of dead ocs.
Summary: Some people need a little help moving on.
potc100's prompt: Rebirth
Warnings: dead OCs
Feedback: yes, please! Concrit welcomed.
Distribution: archiving, linking or remixing ok, just credit me and drop me a line!
potc_100 My FanFic MasterlistDecember Drabbles 5/50
Disclaimer: PotC belongs to Disney. Characters will be played with nicely and returned to them in good condition when I'm done. No infringement is intended, please don't sue me!
The crew of the shattered ship understood and climbed onboard the Dutchman willingly, if not eagerly. But the ship had carried passengers ...
Even though the storm had blown itself out three days before, incorporeal wind still lashed the woman's transparent hair. Will approached cautiously, not wanting to scare her.
"My baby!" she screamed, over and over.
He looked around found the infant, floating face-down, tangled in the rigging. Lifted its spirit free without difficulty, and handed it to the shade of its mother.
Calm settled over her, and she did not protest as he lead her to the Dutchman.