The Hat

Dec 20, 2008 12:32

This fic is rated: G
Fandom: Pirates of the Carribean
Characters/Pairing: Jack/OFC implied, offscreen Barbossa
Summary: Jack really should know better by now
Word Count: 100
Feedback: yes, please! Concrit welcomed.
Distribution: archiving, linking or remixing ok, just credit me and drop me a line!
Cross-Posted were_lemur, pirategasm, potc_fic, potc100, firstothefinish
My FanFic Masterlist
Disclaimer: PotC belongs to Disney. Characters will be played with nicely and returned to them in good condition when I'm done. No infringement is intended, please don't sue me!

Jack nearly turned tail when he saw The Hat in the Faithful Bride. Then the rim tilted, and it wasn't Barbossa at all, but a curly-haired doxy.

"Where did you get that hat, luv?" he asked.

"Found it on a dead man." She shrugged, and described Barbossa. "He weren't needing it anymore."

Jack felt somehow ... empty at the news, so when the doxy suggested they raise a toast, it seemed like the most natural thing to do ...

When he woke, it was noon, and the Pearl was gone, and the doxy, sans hat, had already spent Barbossa's coins.
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