Flesh and Bone (Jack/Barbossa, PG-13)

Dec 24, 2008 23:28

This fic is rated: PG-13
Fandom: Pirates of the Carribean
Pairing: Jack Sparrow/Hector Barbossa
Summary: AU: Jack wasn't marooned the second time; he tries to escape
For slashthedrabble's prompt 122: Flesh and/or Bone
Word Count: 100
Feedback: yes, please! Concrit welcomed.
Distribution: archiving, linking or remixing ok, just credit me and drop me a line!
Author's Note:
Cross-Posted were_lemur, pirategasm, potc_fic, slashthedrabble, potc100, firstothefinish
My FanFic Masterlist
Disclaimer: PotC belongs to Disney. Characters will be played with nicely and returned to them in good condition when I'm done. No infringement is intended, please don't sue me!

Jack crouched in the shadows, grateful the night was cloudy. He'd managed to escape the Pearl's brig and slip up on deck; now he only had to find a jolly boat and he'd be long gone by morning.

"Thought it would be that easy, did yeh, Jack?"

Before he could respond, he found himself whirled around and slammed against the bulkhead, Barbossa's hand to his throat.

He could think of nothing to do but kiss the man. And for a moment, it was as if the mutiny and the curse had never happened ...

But then the clouds blew away.
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