Midlife Crisis -- Drabble

Apr 14, 2008 23:22

This fic is rated: G for Gen
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn and Master Dooku
Timeline: a little while before TPM
Summary: just a conversation
tpm100 prompt "Midlife Crisis"
Spoilers: obliquely, for AotC. Which everybody's seen anyway.
Word Count: 100
Feedback: yes, please! Concrit welcomed.
Cross-Posted were_lemur, skywalker_days
My FanFic Masterlist
Disclaimer: George Lucas owns Star Wars. I own a 22-year-old pickup truck. I hope that Mr. Lucas will accept this story as the tribute to his genius it is, and not sue me for what little I have. No infringement is intended, no profit is being made.

Qui-Gon Jinn found his old Master on the tower, staring out as the sun set. "I have sensed your discontent building, over the past few months."

"I have felt ... stifled," Dooku admitted.

"You blame the Council."

Finally, Dooku turned to look at him. "You have said much the same."

"Yes," he said. "But I have not been considering leaving."

"Perhaps you are too attached to the order." But then he smiled, a bit sadly. "And perhaps it is simply my age, and if I were an ordinary man I would feel the irrational need for an expensive new airspeeder."

star wars: prequel trilogy, qui-gon jinn, my fics let me show you them, gen

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