This fic is rated: PG (will probably end up higher)
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters/Pairing: Mara/dream girl
Timeline: pre-ANH (AU)
Summary: Mara has a strange dream.
story_arc's' 10 set 1 prompt #1: fog
Word Count: 372
Feedback: yes, please! Concrit welcomed.
Distribution: archiving, linking or remixing ok, just credit me and drop me a line!
marafics My FanFic MasterlistDisclaimer: George Lucas owns Star Wars. I own a 22-year-old pickup truck. I hope that Mr. Lucas will accept this story as the tribute to his genius it is, and not sue me for what little I have. No infringement is intended, no profit is being made.
In the dream, Mara is wandering in the fog.
When she's awake, her life is all knife-edge clarity; she serves the Emperor and the Empire and anyone who threatens either one will die. No mercy, no hesitation.
No doubt.
In the fog there's nothing. No form, no color -- she's irrationally afraid that if she pulled her hair forward over her shoulder, it would be the same washed-out gray as the world around her.
She can't even see her own feet, or her hand if she extends her arm. An unsteady rock shifts under her and she's pitched forward, skinning her palms on the way down. The pain feels oddly real; the first genuine sensation she's felt here. She kneels, staring down at the red scrapes against the pale of her skin.
Minutes or millennia pass as she kneels in the fog, wrapped in cold that does not bite or burn but instead sinks into her bones to leach her strength. After a long while, she realizes that the swirling fog is darkening. Dull dread seeps in through her pores, and she feels so heavy that she doesn't think she could rise, even if she could summon the strength to try. Even her eyelids are heavy, and she lets them close ...
Warm fingers under her chin -- so hot they almost burn -- shock her back to her senses. The heat gives her the strength to struggle back to the surface. She opens her eyes, and finds warm brown eyes staring back at her.
The woman reminds her of the ocean; serene on the surface, implacable below. And beautiful -- she feels as if she's in the presence of some ancient goddess. She leans in, presses her mouth to Mara's, breathes life back into her lungs.
A moan escapes Mara; she presses herself against the woman. She slips her tongue forward, a subtle reconnaissance, brushing against the inside of her lip, the even row of teeth, and the other woman's tongue tentatively brushed hers --
The piercing beep of the bedside comm unit jolted Mara awake.
For one heartbroken, disoriented moment Mara lay there, mouth dry, heart pounding, lips and palms tingling. But then she forced her eyes open to face the merciless light of day.