I want to start this entire venture off by stating that this is entirely Alfred's idea and it will probably die within two weeks.
As it remains, he's looking over my shoulder now, so I have to post something. Our intentions are to use this community that he made 'a long time ago' and yet refuses to tell me why as a blog log thing of our year-long
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Comments 26
((Backdating this actually corresponds with my move to Sweden, funnily enough. <3))
Other than that hello, who are you and how did you find me
((That's fantastic! BTW, you found me through Alfred's other blog. Because I want my commenters to be IC, too. :D))
And France wasn't bad, and Sweden's not bad either - though it's a touch colder than I like for a summer. Where in England are you starting your travels from? I've family, second cousins and the like, scattered around there. :)
((I like being IC! Also looking forward to the next update. A chance at Al's PoV?))
I understand your perspective in wanting to hear about other people's travels. This is the most interesting thing I've done, so it reflects on how my life has been to now.
I'm in Oxford currently. I wasn't born here, but I'd rather not go into the details. Oxford will do for my hometown.
((hahaha nice try. Al's POV will be few and far-between and special.))
I hope you update when you stay in my not-so-sunny country now (yeah, Spain). And sorry for my poor English.
((And nice to meet you too :3 Hi, this is one of the lurker readers who read and recommended your amazing fic in Twitter.))
I'll see what I can do. I'm fairly sure Barcelona is on the itinerary somewhere, so maybe we'll even see each other.
Darling, I live in England. Every country is sunny compared to mine.
((omg what is this 'twitter' you speak of and how did I get on there and where is this I want to see it))
I hope so. Although there are tourists everywhere, sometimes you can found really good places, like... hmmm... the Horta's Labyrinth (which is whole inspirated in the Theseus leyend).
Oh. That's true.
((Every time you posted a chapter on FF, I did my impressions on Twitter, a social network which basically you write a phrase, or comment something to another person (putting an @), in 140 characters.
Unfortunately, all I wrote is in Spanish, but I can translate you.
Here, as an example. And I said: "I'm very particular about USUK. This one is a weird AU" And I want to say "special"
I searched my own recommendation! And saying that there was a bit FrUK was a good thing. USUK and Spamano monopolized the Spanish Hetalia fandom.))
((I know what Twitter is, I was just surprised that Twitter cared about me xD ALSO HI YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME WHO YOU WERE ON TUMBLR SINCE I RECOGNIZE THAT NAME HI.
There will be FrUK in the future of this fic, although not as people would naturally think. Ye have been warned.))
((Hello. I just had to. I'm sorry. I'm one of your lurkier readers I think. Nice to meet you. :) You are the person who made me ship USUK, by the way. You may feel proud. XD ))
No, I will most certainly not give you his number. For one, you'd probably rack up his phone bill. Two, you don't deserve it.
((Sorry, Arthur's a bitch. But :D nice to meet you, too! I love my lurker readers! And kfdhaureajkdfsaeasp;dklsndf so proud of myself :,) ))
((You have no idea how much it pains me to write this. I feel like I'm brutally raping the English language. TT_TT But it HAD to be done. XD Of course Alfred's fangirls would find this, and someone has to play the part, no?
I have read, just about every Hetalia story you have put up at FF.net. They all rock. I THINK I left comments at at least some of them. I'm Yura-chan, if you can find me. :P And yeah, I should have expected the stalking while using my facebook...))
I must admit I'm going to enjoy reading this though. Please tell me about all the stupid things he's going to do ;)
I will be nice and not tell anyone on AnA about this, but they will probably find it eventually. If I were you I would take the contact info down from your profile.
((So I just have to say how much I love your stories. "The Baffled King And The Idiot Hero" honestly made my life alot funnier while I read it! ^_^ ))
I'm sure they will. Let them come. I actually did do that after the fallout of a few months ago, and I have a sharp tongue and the ability to hide believably offline for days. Let them come.
((Oh god I love you))
If you don't mind me asking, do Alfred and Gil talk in real life? ^////^ Just for some reaserch if you know what I mean <3
They don't really hate eachother, right? Just asking ^_^
((Aww, now I'm embaressed. But I really do look forward to reading this ^^ Can't wait for som UK/US moments ^///^ ))
But it did answer my question about whether comments should be directed at you or Arthur. XD
I think I'll wait a bit before commenting in character, because I want be to all "I was researching traveling in Europe and came across this blog which looks interesting and will now totally stalk this journal" type thing. So after a week or two, when there are a decent amount of posts.
Yay for the beginning!))
I look forward to your 'discovery' xD))
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