(no subject)

Oct 06, 2004 19:55

Name: Kelly
Age: 16
Location: Naperville Illinois
Sex: Female
Status: Single
Hobbies: student council, spirit committee chair, singing
Turn Ons: dark eyes with dark hair, blonde hair and blue eyes, or a really awesome combination like those. awesome smile with a great sense of humor. straight shaggy hair or short spikey hair. deep voices, tan skin, hopeless romantics
Turn Offs: rudeness, disrespectful, bad skin/teeth/breath, facial hair, too much body hair...i mean guys can shave if they want to right?

A Few Questions
Which is your favorite Mean Girl?: Gretchen because I think she is the prettiest out of all of the Plastics
Why did you like this movie?: I thought it was funny how they picked out one specific group that every school has and blew it up to the extream. It was funny on how close it really is to the real thing.
What do you think of those kinds of people (The Plastics)?: The real ones that I know, arent like the ones in the movie. But everyone hates them because they want to be like them, or one of them.

Random Questions:

Why do you think you are a mean girl? Because I can definatly put on a nice face for someone I compleatly hate, and I plot very mean things against people I hate.

What is your best feature? I think it is my smile because I have never had braces and my teeth are naturally straight so I guess I am lucky for that.

What do you think your best quality is? How nice I can be. I really do care about everyone, even if I don't know the person very well I try to help them in any way I can.

Tell us 5 random things about yourself:
1) I love my high school!
2) I design formal dresses and I am making my prom dress
3) I have never really had a true boyfriend
4) I love singing
5) I think my friends parents are total assholes for sending her to UTAH for, forever!

Who do you look up to and why? I look up to my teacher Mr. Rodgers, he is the most insperational adult i have ever met and he is the nicest person i know!

Are you a virgin? Haha, well, lets just put it this way...it was a BIG MISTAKE

Do you dye your hair? I used to, but im dying it back to its natural color of dirty blonde then getting strawberry blonde and light blond highlights!

Tattoos/Piercings: (if you have pictures please post them) I have both of my ears double peirced and my left cartalige peirced, and hopefully for a christmas present I am getting my belly button peirced!


line of make-up: Maybellene
store: Pac Sun
movie: The Notebook
actress: Cameron Diaz 
male singer: Ryan Cabera
female singer: Kelly Clarkson
band: Hoobastank
show: um I don't watch TV that much but um ill go with Boy Meets World
color: PINK!
feature of the opposite sex: Eyes!
feature of same sex: Hair
food: Chicken Cesar Salad!
Quote: we can lean on each other, still retain our individuality, yet have each other completeley

Word Association:
1. Ugly: Scrappy! (haha kim)
2. Cut: Sewing class
3. Kiss: Jeff!!
4. Pink: Lovve
5. Slut: Chande`
6. Famous: Louis Vitton (i have no clue why tho!)
7. Hott: Johnny Depp
8. Mean: Elyse
9. Black: Rosie ( rip 10/03/04)
10. White: Heaven

Burn Book (Show your mean side.. You will be voted on how mean you are.. Impress us!)
An Ex-Boyfriend: He is the meanest fucking dick ever. He has never gotten another girl after he got with me, and he cant seem to move on after I have poor guy. haha oh wait no, he was the one who said he loved me then "took" something and got another girlfriend about a week later... yeah what an asshole
Your worst Enemy: She spreads rumors about her best friend, yet it came back to hit her when I told the guy that she liked that she was a lesbian whore who hated him
One Friend: i love her but she is way too attached to boys, I guess shes the reason they are the girliest straight boys ever...its creepy
Your Teacher: He is such a prick. He's so brainless, if his head wasnt attached he would lose it, but the head below the waist would still be ticking. what an ass.
Hilary Duff: I think that a dead elephant could sing better than she could. and would probibly look ten times better in the clothes that she is wearing.
Avril Lavigne: she writes really pretty songs like, breakaway. except i guess her voice cant handel all the different pitches, i guess there is only one pitch for screaching
Britney Spears: What a skank, all plastic, im sure playing barbie on SNL was a REAL stretch for her.
Yellowcard: i like their cd im not gonna lie expecially Ocean Avenue
One other person you dont like (Who is it? A Friend? A Relative? etc.) OOhh these two girls in my Earth Science class -  they cant do anything with out the other one right at their side, I think they are attached by the ovaries or maybe they arent used to being five feet away from eachother because they are lesbians who get it on every passing period in the bathrooms

Getting to know you
What is the Meanest thing you have ever done?: TP'd my friends ex's car with shaving cream and it faded the whole side of his car.
Do you think you're better then everybody else?: No I know im not but whatever, I dont care what other people think as long as I think im awesome its great
Are you "Plastic"?: Plastic as in fake, I can be because of certian things that happen with my family, I can put up a good face when bad things happen.

Your Thoughts:

What is your favorite physical characteristic about yourself and why? Again, my smile because it hasnt been fixed by braces or anything and they are naturally straight!

What is the ONE thing you couldn't live without? My cellphone because that is how I stay connected to everyone!

If you had to choose beauty or intelligence for yourself which and why? Beauty because you get more out of being beautiful and once you get somewhere for being pretty you can hire someone to do all the smart stuff.

Why should we let you be one of us? Because I am AWESOME! haha

How did you hear about us? friend on LJ her user name is giving_int0_y0u

Abortion: I am pro life unless it is something like from rape, incest, or if becoming pregnant could hurt the mother of th child.

Gay Marriage: Eveyone has the right to be happy. and the bullshit excuse "if we leagallize gay marriage then people will want to get married to their cars" please gay people are humans, not objects people.

Pre-Marital Sex: I think its only acceptable when you are in love but I mean its your choice, just use protection.

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i find this picture fun, and im in love with my pink fuzzy hat!
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