So, I've decided that I'm going to drive out to the farm and switch my brittle little Sunfire out for a big honkin' truck. And I'm thinking of dragging a be-bearded ragamuffin back to the city with me.
So, I can go out either this coming weekend, or next weekend. They're pretty much even as far as I'm concerned at this point, so if one of those makes things work better for you, I can certainly work with that.
If you'd like, we have the room in the basement with the mattress in it, and I've got a set of sheets that will fit it and a spare comforter and pillows as well.
My intent is to get home from work on friday, sleep for a bit, then drive out to the farm. Spend the night there, then head back to the city on saturday, either in the afternoon or the evening.
I haven't picked anything specific out about it yet, so if you've got some input that would be good. Just figured it'd be worth it to make trips coincide.