Nervous? Who was nervous? I'm not nervous, nope. Not at all.I mean nobody's gonna know that I was the one that let little miss pathetic Eve down into the holding cells...nobody's going to find out. Right? Nobody can find out, Angel will like SO fire me if he finds out that I was the one that helped them and...
“Hey, Harmony...Where’s the boss? He downs enterogatin' our prisoner?”I jolted out of my thoughts, turning to see Gunn walking up to me. "GUNN!" I started to fiddle around with some papers and I could almost feel my face get even pailer when he mentioned Lindsey downstairs. "Ohhh...umm, I uh, he's...." Calm down Kendall, he'll think you're up to something just like that time with the human blood. "No, umm he's not with Lindsey, nobody's with Lindsey. Nope, nobody at all. Angel...ummm I think he's in his office, he might have gone home for the day or something. I mean sheesh I don't keep tabs on him or anything and why does everyone think I keep tabs on him
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My eyebrows rose when she seemed to pop up like one of them puppets on a string. “Glad to see someone still knows my name,” I muttered, wonderin’ why she was actin’ like a roadrunner on retalin
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"I don't know where he is, all I know is that whatever calls I've tried to put through to any of his lines get unanswered. Spike's been annoying me and I haven't left my desk all day. Nope, I've been here all day." I held out my hand for him to see my pretty new polish - bright pink of course - as proof. "See, been here all day
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The girl sure can ramble. Only not in the cute way Fred used to do. A pang of guilt went though me at that though and I sucked in my breath. My fault she was now nothing but a walkin’ blue shell for a wanna be goddess. My eyes narrowed when she kept on talkin’ and talkin’, not makin’ any sense. How come she never knows where her boss is? What the hell was Wes thinking when he gave her this job? Jesus. The way she protested sounded very suspicious to me
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Comments 7
“Hey, Harmony...Where’s the boss? He downs enterogatin' our prisoner?”I jolted out of my thoughts, turning to see Gunn walking up to me. "GUNN!" I started to fiddle around with some papers and I could almost feel my face get even pailer when he mentioned Lindsey downstairs. "Ohhh...umm, I uh, he's...." Calm down Kendall, he'll think you're up to something just like that time with the human blood. "No, umm he's not with Lindsey, nobody's with Lindsey. Nope, nobody at all. Angel...ummm I think he's in his office, he might have gone home for the day or something. I mean sheesh I don't keep tabs on him or anything and why does everyone think I keep tabs on him ( ... )
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