Stamped as Steve // Movie Theme

Jan 29, 2010 14:44

Name: Les
Stamped as: Steve Zissou

Give us 5 to 10 positive adjectives describing you: determined, creative, tech savvy, musical, meticulous
(Let's not focus on the negatives that much) Give us 3 to 5 negative adjectives describing you: selfish, stubborn, moody
What do you think draws other people to you?: My friendly personality and openness/willingness to give anyone a shot.
Likes/hobbies/talents: I'm passionate about my love for films and music. I also love to sing, though I have crippling stage fright that often makes it difficult for me to perform. I am taking design classes right now and really enjoying it - I think I have a pretty good eye for that, as well.
Pet peeves/dislikes: Idiocy, unnecessary time wasting, dogmatism, the assumption that everyone holds to same worldview that you do (I guess close-mindedness), people who talk too much, (but on the other hand) awkward silences (lol)...

Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted: Introverted
Selfish or selfless: Selfish
A leader or a follower: Follower
Impulsive or cautious: Cautious
Emotional or stoic: Emotional
Optimistic or pessimistic: Optimistic
Mature or immature: That's a tough one... I would say mature, but barely. 60/40.
Confident or shy: Shy

The movie about you...
What types of movie do you generally watch/like?: I think strong, consistent characters are the most important thing to me, followed by a gripping plot. Screw effects, I say (although if they are in there and are done badly, that throws me right out of the film). It can be any genre as long as those two main elements are in there. I do tend to gravitate more toward dramedies, thrillers, and sci-fi (somewhat ironically). I have a soft spot for comic book films, as well, as long as they're done right.
What is your movie about? Is it about love, finding yourself, friendship, tragedy?: I think because I am still in search of the true divine purpose for my life, it would have to be about someone searching for that and finding it. It would of course include lots of offbeat characters the protagonist meets along the way who offer either insight or examples of what not to do, as well. Romance, optional.
Describe what kind of surroundings your movie would have: Definitely varying settings, from urban to rural, American to European to Asian, etc. etc. Maybe even the moon. ;)
Give us 5 songs you'd pick for the movie's soundtrack (please don't use any music from Anderson's films):
Blur - Look Inside America
Joni Mitchell - Cactus Tree
Joni Mitchell - All I Want
Metric - Gold Guns Girls
David Bowie - Wild Is The Wind

Anything else you'd like to add while you're at it?: Nope!
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movie: the darjeeling limited

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