Stamped as: Eli Cash
Give us 5 to 10 positive adjectives describing you:funny, exciteable, clever, sincere, passionate, patient, ambitious
(Let's not focus on the negatives that much) Give us 3 to 5 negative adjectives describing you:sarcastic, rude, jaded, overwhelming, clumsy, ambitious
What do you think draws other people to you?:My disarming naivety and sense of humor
Likes/hobbies/talents:reading, writing, activism, experimentation, editing and recording music and sound, sketching, self-defense, filmmaking, killing nazis
Pet peeves/dislikes: willful ignorance, fear
Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted:Extrovert
Selfish or selfless:Selfish at heart, selfless sometimes in actions
A leader or a follower:Leader
Impulsive or cautious:Moreso Impulsive
Emotional or stoic:Emotional, good luck finding a Wes Anderson movie that fits me! lol
Optimistic or pessimistic:Moreso just objective
Mature or immature:Mature, with immature moments
Confident or shy:Confidant moreso
The movie about you...
What types of movie do you generally watch/like?:Underdog tropes
What is your movie about? Is it about love, finding yourself, friendship, tragedy?:Friendship, finding yourself and...uh, humor and irony...which can also look like tragedy...but not so maudlin
Describe what kind of surroundings your movie would have: commonplace in the sense you recognize it as earthly, but also anything but
Give us 5 songs you'd pick for the movie's soundtrack (please don't use any music from Anderson's films):
"Clocks" by Coldplay"Girl Anachronism" by The Dresden Dolls"Wicked Game" by Giant Drag"The Show Must Go On" by Queenand
"I Don't Care" by Apocalyptica simply because I've been thinking about it a lot lately
Anything else you'd like to add while you're at it?:
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