Oct 16, 2011 14:13
He'd gotten the call just as he was unpacking his things on Sunday. Cordy'd had a vision -- a Mr. Ernesto Marquez, being chased by Werd'Nha demons. Wesley knew the breed - pyromaniacs, the lot of them. Burned human limbs for sport, and, according to a source of Angel's who was apparently quite reliable, a clan of them were on the employ of Wolfram and Hart. Angel said, in the tone of someone wearily going along with someone else's insistence, that if Wesley could catch a portal before sundown, he could help out. So after hurriedly setting out the food he'd been giving Katniss for the past few days, cracking open the window for her and promising to be back by morning, Wesley had set off for Los Angeles.
That was what brought him to the lot under the bridge, behind the wheel of Angel's convertible while Angel leaned over the side with a sword. While Cordelia had snarked at him upon his arrival at their office that this constituted chauffeur duty, Wesley thought of it as a bit more important than that. It wasn't as though Cordy could do it, and Angel needed someone to drive -- attempting to behead a Werd'Nha demon wasn't terribly difficult on its own, just a simple, well-placed swipe, but it got considerably more challenging when the beheader in question was operating a car at the same time. No, Wesley was essential for this, which was why he had a look of steadfast determination as he swerved the car just close enough for Angel to get a decent shot.
It was best not to ask when he'd gotten his driver's license.
Once the two demons had been taken out, Angel addressed the victim.
"Your name Marquez?" At the man's nod, Angel told him, "Good. I hate saving the wrong guy."
Well! That had gone as planned. And fairly quickly, too. If he hurried, Wesley supposed he could catch a portal right after their now-traditional late-night "breakfast, " check on Katniss and then get to sleep.
What he hadn't planned on, however, was the ooze that splattered him when a third demon approached Angel from behind and Angel took it out with an easy swipe. Eurgh. Perhaps he'd stick around just long enough for a nice shower, then.
[[Taken and adapted from Angel 1x18, "Five by Five." NFB, NFI, OOC is welcome, and this is post one of seven so sit tight.]]
place: los angeles,
fact: rogue demon hunter,
1x18 five by five,
person: angel