I hope this is ok to be posted here. If not feel free to delete or just tell me where one can post it to make it happen.
I've been having this plot bunny jump around for a long time now, ever since I found out about this community with this most delicious of pairings, and the watched TNG in a whole new light Lol..
So the request I have is somewhat odd, but I've run out of ideas really and I'm looking for any available author in here to help a girl out.
The plot bunny is as follows. I watched the Parallels episode from season 7 where Worf travels through different alternate realities. And one special one just stood out to me, and it might you as well if you remember said episode. The AU Where Riker is still captain of the Enterprise as in this universe they lost Picard to the Borg. And Wesley is an Liutenant, all graduated from the academy. So my thoughts were, what if Wes and Will got very close the year he went off to the Academy and they stayed in touch, visited and whatever, and things just grew from the mentor relationship they had to a beginning romantic relationship. And to what it is in that episode of TNG in that AU. Where they might be long married and that is why Worf persued Deanna because she knew Will was off the market. So after this rather odd description of my plot bunny, I would love to see how it all came to be, until they are in that scene in that AU, and possibly some after Worf has returned to his timeline and the real Worf native to that one has come back.
I keep trying to write it, but everytime I get some down it's like the bunny just hops away taking the entire idea with it. And then just returns when it pleases, and so it happens over and over. And can you tell I suck at telling about plot bunnies Lol
For anyone that can help this bunny come to life, THANK YOU!!!