1. Ever feel guilty about lopping off my head?
What do you think?
2. Ever feel guilty about fucking me while I was dressed like your darling Fred?
I'm not sure I feel up to answering that question.
3. End of the world, blah, blah - look, couldn't even be bothered to think up a new question for you. I just recycled one of Alan's.
I'm going to assume you're talking about what I would do if it was the last day on earth. If so, I would spend time with the people I loved. And consider telling you how sorry I am.
4. Did you ever care even the slightest bit?
5. Have you burned my contract yet, you prick?
I've tried. Though I'm not so sure I should. Alright, I am so sure, but damned if I let you know that.
Well, that was certainly cheerful.
If you'd like to be interviewed, comment saying so, and I'll be sure to come up with some questions for you. Then put this onto your journal.
And I promise to come up with more pleasant questions.
Unless you're Lilah.