I'm at Hana's right now and I just cut my hair!!! *the emo kids look on in amazement* It looks damn good. WOOT!!!!!! Well, nothing much else to say... Have a good spring break everyone.
Well...If my last journal entry left it seeming that I was dead..that was the intention. But for those of you who don't see me at school every day, I'm not. Well, update time
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Today was such a waste. Slept til 2:30, took a shower. The only highlight was calling Ross while I was nude on my bed. Hehe. Slept til six after that. THEN got on MSN, woohoo! Maybe bowling tonight will turn this day around.
I am listening to one of the best god damned bands in the world!!! The Flaming Lips!!!! Man, Can't Wait Till the christmas show!!! Bunnies!!!! They Kick so much ass.. B U N N I E S ! ! !