* Likes kids.
* ... But hasn't ever considered being a parent, and wouldn't actually want to have his own kids.
* Is intelligent when he needs to be! He is the Guardian of the West and there are responsibilities that go with that.
* ... But he does like to avoid those responsibilities whenever possible.
* Also, he's incredibly impulsive. A lot of the things he does are a result of just not thinking things through before he does them.
* In camp, Byakko also has way more room to goof off than he does at home, and takes full advantage. Up to and including eating deathcake.
* Has very little concept of the personal bubble. Byakko's not a drapist drape-on-you type of person, but he does consider full-body tackles an acceptable greeting.
* Is basically an albino, but doesn't sunburn, because he is a /god/.
* Byakko is actually way lighter than someone his size should be. This applies to both human and tiger forms-- there's no way that if Byakko weighed as much as a normal person, Hisoka would be able to talk with Byakko sitting on his back.
* Keeps his fur really clean.
* Likes swimming.
* Byakko likes everyone. It is insanely difficult to get Byakko to dislike someone.