Know no one that does drugs Sleep at night Finish Freud Stop thinking about Samantha Stop smoking Find a female worth being with Charlie to use the toilet
An MBA from Berkeley for Harvard Fall in love with someone what truly loves me Get married by a Justice of the Piece Have two children Fly my own air plane Never know anyone that dies
I made yummy yummy jello shooters last night. It makes me sad that I spent twenty bucks on vodka but what the hell. There sooo yummy! I’ve been eating all day. There were suppose to be for new years but I just couldn’t wait!
We had fun flirting those nights, didn’t we? Night crosses to day. What fun a night can bring. You visited me today and it wasn’t the same. I’m sorry. I wish I could like you like I do in the night.
George has his own little roommate now. A little dog of his. Her name is Niki. Most people would just call her a girlfriend, she’s not. She’s a little pet. A pet that secretly wants to get away but instead leans on him
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