Most of you probably know everything I'm going to post here already, but it was new to me so I thought I would post. Possible spoilers!
On Tuesday GRRM came to London for an interview and book signing. He said a couple of things that would be of interest to this community.
The interview started off with him saying that GOT had been picked up for a third season and that storm of swords would be divided into two for the TV series. He said this was good news for him since it gave him more time to write the books and it wouldn't be good if the TV show overtook the books. (dammit George!)
He admitted that there were some mistakes in the books, such as a horse changing sex and that he was always irritated when he made a mistake because the unreliable narrator was a tool he used.
He spoke at length about his experiences as a conciencious objector and that he was not opposed to war as such and that there was glory in war. He said he wrote a passage that he could not remember if it had been published or not, where the character looks at the army forming the night before a battle and thinks why did the gods make battle so beautiful. I cannot remember a scene like this so I assume it is from the winds of winter. All ideas welcome!
Then he said that nobody had spoilers apart from the producers of the show,who knew how it would end and that the only way we could find out would be to break into the HBO headquarters and see the length of the actors contracts. He then added that the show had killed off some characters that were not dead yet in the books. He seemed really proud of the show and talked about how he wanted it serialised as a show not a film and enjoyed
writing episodes. He also said that as a Hollywood script writer he understood the process of making a TV show from a book and that he worked in collaboration with the producers lots.
One of the questions was how he got into the minds of teenage girls so well, he sniggered then said he had a Tyrion style answer and that if he said it out loud all hell would break loose.
Another question was where he would live in Westeros. Firstly he said Dorne because of the spicy food and women. Then he said Winterfell and that he put the hot pools in because it reminded him of his hot tub in his house in the mountains. In have so many crack theories about this now!
I really wanted to ask him a question but there was no time so I settled for a signed book and a lame photo. Sorry my reporting skills are not better!