westeroswolfA change of identity for Sansa
I have been debating about whether or not to refer to her as Sansa or Alayne in this chapter, I couldn't decide so I have used both, depending on the context. Apologies if this is annoying.
The chapter starts with Alayne waking in her bedroom, which is a much nicer room than she had before Lysa died and looks out over the vale. After thinking how beautiful the Vale is, she looks at the Gates of the moon and sees the tents belonging to the lords declarent and their soldiers. There are six lords, each with at least 1000 men. We know from the last chapter that LF only has a small garrison and the Gates of the moon only has a couple of hundred. Which makes me wonder why Jon Arryn left them so poorly armed? Also being able to instantly amass an army of 6000 men is incredibly impressive, perhaps a clue that the force of the vale will be critical later in the series.
When Alayne goes to dress she thinks about Lysa's wardrobe which she has been given, full of wonderful clothes that do not fit her and later on we find that the ones that she likes and that do fit her, she is not allowed to wear in public. I beleive LF is giving her what he thinks she wants, a nice room, nice clothes and jewels. But they are empty gestures that have cost him nothing and no thought has gone into.
As Alayne walks to breakfast she thinks about how quiet the castle always is. It sounds pretty awful being stuck in a desolate castle with only LF and Robert for company. Out of all the castles in Westeros the ones I would least like to go to are the Eyrie and Harrenhall. (coincidentally both occupied by LF) At breakfast Robert is behaving like a brat because there is no fresh food due to the siege. LF and Alayne discuss the lords declarent and Lyn Corbrey, with LF telking her how he switched sides in Roberts rebellion and is not the war hero he makes out to be. Then Robert has a Siezure where he kicks Alayne in the stomach. LF watches the seizure and makes a callous remark of "gods be good" and Alayne notes how he sounds disgusted. Very harsh response to a young boy with a serious medical condition.
Maester Coleman says to Alayne and LF that Roberts fits have been getting worse, in frequency and severity and that he is giving him dream wine and milk of the poppy for it, but neither is as effective as breast milk. I feel sympathy towards Lysa here. Although, in my opinion, it was wierd continuing to breast feed Robert at his age, was she doing so on the masters advice?
Petyr suggest that sweet sleep is used to help calm Robert, a culmulative poison. The Maester agrees that a little not too often may help. I don't have a very high opinion of Maester Coleman, he does not come across as capable as Maester Luwin or even Pycelle.
When they are left alone LF immediately switches into sleaze mode, asking Sansa to kiss him and then belittling her kiss as dutiful (what does he expect?!) They discuss the arrangements for receiving the lords declarant and LF tells her to change into something less Tully in colour and also tells her to avoid Arryn colours. During their conversation Alayne suggests that they should give the lords Robert. LF tells her that they would have to return to The Fingers and she counters that LF has Harrenhall. He explains that he only needed the title of Lord of Harrenhall to marry Lysa and has no intention of going to Harrenhall because it is impractical and cursed. Does he really believe in the curse or is he just trying to scare Sansa? Sansa's response to the curse is that they should give Harrenhall to Lord Frey, which I think is a rare moment of her showing anger and a desire for revenge.
LF jokes that Harrenhall should be given to Cersei as he may have to remove her from the game earlier than he thought. But he is pleased that she is sending him some tapestries. I guess that the tapestries will somehow be pertinent to the Targeryans, purely because I cannot think of any other purpose.
Alayne goes off to prepare for the Lords and to change into an outfit that she makes sure befits her station. (also very close to Clegane colours) As de facto Lady of the Eyrie she comes across as very assured and capable.
When the Lords and Lady arrive, a suggestive remarks are immediately levelled at Sansa and Lady Waynwood calls them out in it. As Harrys guardian I think it bodes well that she comes across as kind towards Sansa/Alayne. The Lords are hostile towards LF and demand that Robert goes to live with Bronze Yohn. LF seems unconcerned by this. Lyn Corbrey who Petyr has described as a braggard earlier, draws his sword threatening LF, horrifying the other lords. Sansa notes that Petyr is "as angry as she has ever seen him" and he uses Lyn Corbreys actions as leverage against the other nobles and asks for one year to sort the problems facing the vale. The lords declarant accept this grudgingly and Bronze Yohn leaves whilst the others stay for the feast.
That night Sansa ponders on what she saw in the meeting and describes LF as "bewitching them." She leaves her bedroom to go to Petyrs solar. This in itself is quite illuminating, she obviously is not scared of him. During the course of their conversation Sansa susses that Lyn Corbray is a plant and asks how Petyr will pay him for his services and he tells her that he pays him in gold and boys. (Yuk!)