I like to complain.
This is the official "Mr. Lovecchio Is A Douche Bag" post.
Comments/stories are appreciated :D.
So far, he's given me a crapload of regular detentions, and two Saturdays for:
skipping a class I didn't have and
for not turning in my contact cards. Which I thought was funny. Because I did.
<3 la_face_moins, too
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Comments 5
that's understandable though
also once i muttered under my breath that i hope he dies and he heard me and gave me a warning
i have one warning left :'(
You're lucky.
He just gives me detention if he hears me swear.
But I, and many friends, did witness him hitting a large pile of trays out of one of the mentally retarted worker/student/slave's arms.
He laughed. The retard cried...
I was very confused.
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