Amidst the shipwars happening on Tumblr right now, it was stated that Klaine shippers were "doing it wrong" because we were treating our ship like a gay couple instead of just a couple, which creates further inequality
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I don't even. Why are people so obsessed with shipping a better ship to begin with? I don't get it. Focus on the love you have for a ship, not the hate you have for another. >_>; I get why people are interested in Kum, but you know what? That's where fanfiction comes in. It's not gonna happen in canon, so make it happen in fanon yourself if you need it that badly. ):
I think it's a shame because we pretty much have that ~closeted jock~ storyline going on both in Karofsky and in Santana. (Sure she's no jock, but she's a cheerio, and that's kind of the same thing but for girls, or something.) Why do people still point fingers and say Glee isn't giving us this storyline?
I just don't get it. Such a waste of energy and time and... god. How does this mess even exist. ):
I can see the appeal of Kum as a story - it does NOTHING for me, in any way whatsoever, but I get what they thought up in their heads and I have had my share of "but do you see how this is happening guys do you see what's going on underneath here why are they not talking about it?!?!?!" regarding fandoms and pairings and characters before. I 100% understand that, and like, if it were just about that I would not give a rat's ass
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I'd really rather tell everyone just how hateful they are
I totally agree. I just can't stress enough how sad it is people act this way to begin with. To a certain extent I can get it in other fandoms (although still not really because I've never been involved in a shipwar and I don't intend to), but to behave this way when watching a show that puts a lot of emphasis on accepting yourself and others for the way they are makes it worse to me. Bleh. hate. dnw.
The thing I dislike so much about these kind of things is that there's always people who identify with what is going on. There are people who are like Kurt and need a Blaine and there are people like Blaine who need a Kurt, and by bashing the ship and the shippers so much, you're also bashing these people. And that always hurts.
This is also why the whole BIOTA Blaine-needs-to-grovel-fic hurt me. Because although I haven't been in that situation exactly, I did something similar. And hurt someone with it. And I regret it. But I suddenly felt like all these people couldn't
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The sheer intensity of Kum shippers is kind of terrifying. I don't get why people are still clinging to those summer spoilers, because obviously the writers changed their minds at some point. Writers do that. All the freaking time. Maybe Sam was eventually going to be the BF. I have no idea. But obviously, Darren came along and blew all everyone and everything away, and that was that.
As a fanon ship, I can kinda sorta maybe see it, I guess (I find Sam pretty dull, to be perfectly honest). In canon, though? Absolutely no way. They really only have one good episode to base the pairing on, and the two have not had any real interaction since.
I really don't get these Kum shippers who still insist that it's going to happen and who are being so rude and hateful about it. It's one thing to be sad that your preferred ship isn't going to happen, but to start pointless shipper wars, insist Klaine is one big conspiracy theory cover-up for the REAL pairing, and do Da Vinci Code-style clue hunts? Kinda sad, really.
I don't even care about the flat-out delusional fuckery going on, I seriously don't, it's the rudeness. It's the pervasive, mean-spirited, UGLY rudeness. I ship Zutara. I understand Harmony. Kum would be a stupid goddamn story at this point in time to me, for so many reasons, but I respect people who feel differently.
I have never seen so much disgustingly HATEFUL behavior from a group in fandom before them. EVER.
The sheer intensity of Kum shippers is kind of terrifying. I don't get why people are still clinging to those summer spoilers, because obviously the writers changed their minds at some point.
I honestly think it's because the sheer fact of Kurt existing as a canonical gay character means that the ship had the potential to become canon and didn't. So people who got invested in the ship as potential canon feel cheated.
Re: I'm afraid this comes to mind...weyrdchicApril 5 2011, 12:36:14 UTC
LOL, see, there'd be no end of ignoring the urge to explain how someone is Wrong on the Internet, because 1) we've all been there but yeah it's ridiculous, 2) like hell I am going to feed the flames of what is basically some guy talking about how his home team would have made that play better and has a better linebacker and whatever when their team is not even the one playing this evening and I really just want him to shut up for a second so I can watch. But I can ignore that, seriously. Begrudgingly ignore it, but ignore it.
I have some serious, serious issues with insulting the collective queer identity of a thousand-odd people. I had to make kind of a public Statement about that one.
Hope you don't mind a comment from a random lurker (IT'S NOT AS CREEPY AS IT SOUNDS, OKAY, I JUST REALLY LIKED YOUR BLAINE META /o\) but thank you for saying this. Especially this:
when I have seen more wrongheaded homophobic straightsplaining bullshit from your end of the fandom than I have ever seen anywhere in fandomI don't care if they want to ship a ship that's never going to happen, or if they think it would be better, or whatever. What bothers me most about Kurt/Sam shippers is that on top of all the negativity and hatred they bring to fandom, they are the most self-righteous -- while making the same goddamn comments they proclaim to be "fighting" and, frankly, doing/saying far more offensive things than the people they sneer at. Don't like the canon relationsip? Fine. But don't go around making comments about how abusive and unhealthy and inadequate it is; cheating on polls and badgering spoiler sources; sending fucking letters to RIB, Chris, and Chord about the ~right kind of gay you'd like to see on tv
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RANDOM LURKERS ALWAYS WELCOME, do you think I'm like a celebrity with thousands of them? My ego is THRILLED.
And god, every time someone validates that there IS a deeper, underlying privilege-y thing going on with them I feel validated. Like I know plenty of them must be GLBTQI themselves and I never want to judge a group on the whole, but I see so, so much heteronormativity and judging of what it REALLY~ means to be gay all the while pulling out really insulting stereotypical things that are supposed to be hints and ugh ugh ugh.
I see so, so much heteronormativity and judging of what it REALLY~ means to be gay all the while pulling out really insulting stereotypical things that are supposed to be hints and ugh ugh ugh.
This has been putting my teeth on edge for forever with this group. That along side the insistence that S/K is the big meaningful gay relationship that is so moving and IMPORTANT.
Comments 11
I don't even. Why are people so obsessed with shipping a better ship to begin with? I don't get it. Focus on the love you have for a ship, not the hate you have for another.
I get why people are interested in Kum, but you know what? That's where fanfiction comes in. It's not gonna happen in canon, so make it happen in fanon yourself if you need it that badly. ):
I think it's a shame because we pretty much have that ~closeted jock~ storyline going on both in Karofsky and in Santana. (Sure she's no jock, but she's a cheerio, and that's kind of the same thing but for girls, or something.) Why do people still point fingers and say Glee isn't giving us this storyline?
I just don't get it. Such a waste of energy and time and... god. How does this mess even exist. ):
I totally agree. I just can't stress enough how sad it is people act this way to begin with.
To a certain extent I can get it in other fandoms (although still not really because I've never been involved in a shipwar and I don't intend to), but to behave this way when watching a show that puts a lot of emphasis on accepting yourself and others for the way they are makes it worse to me.
Bleh. hate. dnw.
The thing I dislike so much about these kind of things is that there's always people who identify with what is going on. There are people who are like Kurt and need a Blaine and there are people like Blaine who need a Kurt, and by bashing the ship and the shippers so much, you're also bashing these people.
And that always hurts.
This is also why the whole BIOTA Blaine-needs-to-grovel-fic hurt me. Because although I haven't been in that situation exactly, I did something similar. And hurt someone with it. And I regret it. But I suddenly felt like all these people couldn't ( ... )
As a fanon ship, I can kinda sorta maybe see it, I guess (I find Sam pretty dull, to be perfectly honest). In canon, though? Absolutely no way. They really only have one good episode to base the pairing on, and the two have not had any real interaction
I really don't get these Kum shippers who still insist that it's going to happen and who are being so rude and hateful about it. It's one thing to be sad that your preferred ship isn't going to happen, but to start pointless shipper wars, insist Klaine is one big conspiracy theory cover-up for the REAL pairing, and do Da Vinci Code-style clue hunts? Kinda sad, really.
I have never seen so much disgustingly HATEFUL behavior from a group in fandom before them. EVER.
I honestly think it's because the sheer fact of Kurt existing as a canonical gay character means that the ship had the potential to become canon and didn't. So people who got invested in the ship as potential canon feel cheated.
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I have some serious, serious issues with insulting the collective queer identity of a thousand-odd people. I had to make kind of a public Statement about that one.
when I have seen more wrongheaded homophobic straightsplaining bullshit from your end of the fandom than I have ever seen anywhere in fandomI don't care if they want to ship a ship that's never going to happen, or if they think it would be better, or whatever. What bothers me most about Kurt/Sam shippers is that on top of all the negativity and hatred they bring to fandom, they are the most self-righteous -- while making the same goddamn comments they proclaim to be "fighting" and, frankly, doing/saying far more offensive things than the people they sneer at. Don't like the canon relationsip? Fine. But don't go around making comments about how abusive and unhealthy and inadequate it is; cheating on polls and badgering spoiler sources; sending fucking letters to RIB, Chris, and Chord about the ~right kind of gay you'd like to see on tv ( ... )
And god, every time someone validates that there IS a deeper, underlying privilege-y thing going on with them I feel validated. Like I know plenty of them must be GLBTQI themselves and I never want to judge a group on the whole, but I see so, so much heteronormativity and judging of what it REALLY~ means to be gay all the while pulling out really insulting stereotypical things that are supposed to be hints and ugh ugh ugh.
This has been putting my teeth on edge for forever with this group. That along side the insistence that S/K is the big meaningful gay relationship that is so moving and IMPORTANT.
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