today was retro
wow that is one flyy word
1 i hate science soo muchh but i luv sitting next to tayy-lorr as we sing taking back sunday o we r flyy if you look up cool in the dictionary it would soo sayy emster and tayy-lorr o yess
2 dude we had a sub nd no movie which means no sleep not kool
3-went home
4-came back
5-omg this was probably the best lunch evrrr well i was still laughing at sabina cause this dude scott asked herr out nd i was like what school does he go to nd lianne was like a sped school nd i was laughing for like 10 mins cause i had no idea this guyy was a sped but he was cause i didnt really get why it was soo funny at first but then i got it....then sabina was like stopp stopp nd i was like want some....yogurt ans evriiwun laughed at me (including me) gosh that was soo funny...then after they left me nd rachel nd allison where all alone nd we like layed on the table o yess we are cool then me and rachel played flicks twice i won both times o yesss the first time it hit her in the eye i was like = O im so sorryyy then the second time we played she covered her eyes lol and it went to camden like a table and a half away that was pretty damn hott and funny shit right that was soo greattt
6-YYYEEAAAHHH NANCY is in our class = ) our group won.....i was w/ joe and david she soo owes me big time
7- dont remember
8-our group won !!!!!!!!!!!! cause me and rachel are flyy like that
9- KATHLEEN is in our class YEAAAHHH ... woot woot
thats all ther is ther isn't anymore